02. The Girl With A Devil's Luck

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Kichou ran as soon as her classes ended as Jotaro's mother requested her presence when her father arrives. Seiko didn't really blame Kichou for what happened to Jotaro and she was really thankful for the girl who,she heard, was a regular visitor of her son.

She knew that her son had a rude nature in him yet he never screamed or cussed on her which may be a good sign.

Kichou quickly stepped our of the bus as soon as it arrived to the police station. Ever since this past few days, she had been accompanying the Kujo matriarch every after she visit Jojo.

The Kujo matriarch had told her that she can see the kimono clad spirit with her in which the young woman told her her history.

Ever since her mother had died due to cancer, it had been there during her sad and lonely times. A few years later, her father left her for another family in which worsens the loneliness she felt. The Kujo matriarch had asked the lady to stay at her residence for a sleep over to ease her loneliness with her son being in the jail. 

The ladies quickly bonded over the fact that they were worried about Jojo.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Kujo." The girl panted as she greeted the adult. Along with Mrs. Kujo was an old man who had the same body type as Jojo, who probably was his grandfather.

"Hello, ummm... Mrs. Kujo's dad." She politely yet awkwardly greeted. The old man had a hearty laugh as he ruffled the young girl's hair."Wow! How did Jotaro get this polite pretty girl with that attitude of him?!" He laughed as Mrs. Kujo agreed.

Kichou just looked at them confused to what's going on. 

"My name is Joseph Joestar. Thank you for accompanying my daughter for these past few days." The white beard man looked sincerely grateful which made the young girl smile softly. Kiiyan could see the big resemblance between Jotaro and Mr. Joestar as both have big built bodies.

The three of them where accompanied inside by one of the police officers that got Jotaro. Mr. Joestar quickly sauntered towards Jotaro's cell as he stood high and proud over his grandson who stood on the opposite side menacingly.

Both of them had a stare down as if it's a contest of testosterone as Seiko (Holly) grabbed Kichou's hand by instinct.

"Come out. We're going home." Mr. Joestar demanded as Jotaro replied with a quipped tone. "Get lost, old man! No one asked for you! You'll help? Fine! But what can you do for me, huh?"

Between the banter of Mr. Joestar and Jotaro, Holly listened the whole time as she had her hand on Kichou's palm for support. When Avdol, the friend that Mr. Joestar asked to come for help,the man immediately got into action as a bird humanoid emerged from Avdol's body.

Holly got alarmingly worried about the happenings before her eyes as she can see stands too. Holly looked curious and bewildered by the happenings inside the cell. While on their contest of testosterone, Jotaro's spirit was about to attack using the bended rods of the cell not until Avdol's spirit, The Magician's Red disappeared.

"Don't turn your back on me! Face me like a man." Jotaro demanded his spirit about to pierce the Egyptian man yet, he took the tension out as he informed:

"As you can see, Mr. Joestar... He's out of the cell." 

"So, you got me, eh?" Jotaro glared at the man who sat across his cell. Avdol shook his head as he informed him that he really did plan to send him to hospital.

"What if I hadn't stopped my evil spirit from throwing this bar straight through you?" Jotaro asked.

"My ability... The stand known as The Magician's Red can melt such a small piece of steel in midair." Avdol replied.

"Avdol is just like you. Proof enough that you need not to study your evil spirit here in prison any longer." Mr. Joestar informed.

Kichou stood bewildered as her thoughts ran to her stand, The Oiran. She had little understatement for the spirit but it helped her through a lot of times. Talking openly about her little kimono-clad friend makes her wanna learn more about it.

Holly immediately abandoned the girl's hold as she latched herself to her son. "Jotaro, you're coming out." she said with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Get the fuck off me." He rudely demanded in which Mr. Joestar got livid. 

"How dare you address your mother that way!? What kind of language is that?! Is that also how you address your girlfriend."

"No, no, no... I am just his classmate who got in trouble with him." She waved her hand embarassingly as Jotaro looked at her in a short stare. He then adjusted his cap to hide his face from everyone. Yet only Jotaro and Avdol heard the girl as Mr. Joestar continued to scold Jotaro who basically wasn't listening.

What a peculiar family...


"Kiiyan, let's head to the cafe." Holly says as Mr. Joestar signed everything that had to be signed to free Jotaro.

"Oh, no, Mrs. Kujo. I'd hate to interrupt into your family reunion." The silver haired girl politely declined as she waited for the group to head out of the station. She'd love to learn more of stands and how they appear but it would seem awkward to be there.

"You are coming with us." Jotaro suddenly insisted which surprised Holly, making her drop her jaw.

"It would be rude becau----"

"I don't give a shit. You were the first person who I've known to have stand. I assume you don't have much knowledge with it." Jotaro said adjusting his cap.

Kichou slightly nodded as Avdol was listening to their talk. "So... Kichou, right? You also have a stand?" He asked. As if on cue, the white haired stand appeared out of the white haired girl's body, bringing her koto.

"What a pretty stand!" Mr. Joestar acknowledged as he was done with the business with the police.

Without wasting time, the five of them halted a ride towards the said cafe.


"C'mon old man. This Dio guy who died a hundred years ago has been raised from the dead? You expect me to believe a shit story like that?" Jotaro pointed over his grandfather who sat across the table.

"A story like what? Like evil spirits following us perhaps?" Avdol said in a lowkey sarcastic way as Jotaro glared at him.

"It's okay. You'll have to believe us soon enough. Once you hear how I know of Dio and why I must chase after him." Mr. Joestar brought out a polaroid camera as he demonstrated his stand, Hermit Purple. It gained attention from the waiter who was just dismissed by Avdol.

"The vision that will reveal soon on this photo will reveal your very destiny." The senior Joestar said. 

"What do you mean?" Jotaro egged as he listened closely.

"Have you two ever taken a close look at the back of your necks?" The Joestars checked the back of their necks which has a birthmark formed as a star. Avdol and Kichou silently listened over the conversation yet, Avdol's attention was grabbed away from the Joestars when the girl tucked a piece of hair on her left ear exposing 3 moles on the earlobe.

'A girl with a devil's luck, a powerful stand and a pretty face... Just like what my fortune telling said...' He thought as he quickly tore his gaze from the girl. 


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