06. Fishproof

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Did you know that it takes three full days to get from Hong Kong to Singapore on a ship ride? Now Kichou knows as she looked at the vast sea beyond.

"Hey, you two! What's with that High-School outfits? Can't you find something else to wear?" Mr. Joestar reprimanded the two boys as Kichou sat on a vacant chair next to Jotaro. The only rose among the Crusaders had took her time on the ship to do her stuff. Of course, she can't flaunt her ass around the world filthy, can she?

"It's who we are! A good student always dresses the part!" Kakyoin replied as he read the book. He looked over Kichou who just zoned off, looking at the sea.

"Hey, Kiiyan, what's your best subject at school?" Kakyoin grinned.

"I'm equally aver---"

"She's the top ranking student in our year." Jotaro mentioned as Kichou literally exploded shades of red and hid her face beneath her palms. As much as she denies it, she really loves to read and study.

"Wow! We have a genius in the ship! You should marry one someday Jotaro!" Mr. Joestar teased as Jotaro hid his face under the shadow of his cap. At that moment, Kichou wished she also had her own cap. Yare yare daze, indeed.

"I have to earn enough grades to go to a good school to be a researcher or a doctor." Kichou mumbled as her face was still red.

"Then, you should apply your intership to Speedwagon! Tell me when and I'll write you a recommendation." Mr. Joestar says as the silver haired girl smiled slightly.

"Thank you Mr. Joestar. I appreciate it."

Joseph looked perplexed as it reminds him of Holly, his daughter, when she's not being clingy and bit annoying. His train of thoughts was interrupted as a little girl came into their view.

How did Kichou knew she was a little girl? Woman instincts.

"Let go of me! Hey! Let go of me you jerk."

Mr. Joestar went over to see what's going on as they discovered a stowaway on board. Suddenly, the kid bit the crew who got her as she jumped over the boat and into the sea. Kichou realized that they were literally in the middle of the see so she quickly stood up as looked over to where the kid was.

"Whoa! That kid has guts."

"Swim to shore? It's too far!"

"Forget him, He wouldn't have jumped if he's not a good swimmer." The boys simultaneously says while Kichou was analyzing the situation. Suddenly, she stripped quickly over her leather jacket dived into the waters.



Kichou swam a bit faster as she reached the kid on time, at the same speed, the shark started to swim towards them which left no reason for Kichou to summon her stand and have the Oiran turn it into sushi.

"Are you okay little girl?" Kichou asked as she dragged the girl near to the ship.

"How did you know I was a girl." The kid asked. Kichou tipped over her cap as her hair spilled all over the place.

"Just a hunch."

Slowly nearing to the safety equipment they have dropped. The crusader's noticed the appearance of a weird silhouette on the waters.

"Kichou, look out! There's something in the water. It's trying to ambush you! It's not a shark, and it's fast!" Mr. Joestar alarmingly informed as Kichou summoned her stand to see what's below them. It is indeed not a shark. The Heirophant Green pulled them out just in time as the equipment was destroyed due to the creature's attack.

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