17. Are You Okay, Kakyoin?

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"Wow, this country is incredible! Every house here is huge. They are awesome!" 

"None of them are old at all." Polnareff says in awe as the Crusaders are now speeding to Abu Dahbi. 

Mr. Joestar nodded in agreement. "Tokyo these houses would fetch at least 20-30 million easily. This must be the average life for people in this country. 20 years ago, this area was just a desert but because of the world's oil shortage. It is now one of the richest countries."

Kichou looked around in awe as she knows what the men meant. Sitting between Jotaro and Kakyoin, she felt him shift uncomfortably. 

"Are you okay Kakyoin? Is someone following us?" The young woman asked as Kakyoin conciously looked at the back of the car. 

"No, This place is really wide and open. If anyone is following us we'll know it. I'm just turning my head by habit."

"Yeah! I know what you mean. I feel the same way. All kinds of weirdos have been attacking us, it makes you jumpy." Polnareff says easing Kakyoin up. Kichou though did not believe it. 

"Okay then... I've thought about our route from now on..." Mr. Joestar started discussing about the route. Kichou looks at Kakyoin who looked back at her. 

"You're lying." She whispered. Kakyoin looked at her with a startled stare. 

"I don't really want to be in the same helicopter who's been in 3 plane crashes in his life." Jotaro says as Joseph stares at him for not taking his grandpa's side.

"Well, if I'm going to be asked, me neither." Kichou agreed with Jotaro which Mr. Joestar pouted. " OK THEN! Let's ride camels across the dessert to get to the village. It should only take us one day by camel."

Kichou smiles as Polnareff argued about riding a camel. Well, you've got to enjoy something new once in a while right?


She takes it back. Trying new is the least she would want with Mr. Joestar around. 

"The camel has even more beautiful lashes than me." She sighs patting the camels as Mr. Joestar dealt with the trader.

"Well at least you don't stink Kiiyan!" Polnareff says spraying some perfume. "How do we ride this anyways? It must be at least 3 meters tall!" He looked at Kichou with a questionable look. 

"Don't ask me, I am not an expert on riding animals." Kichou says. 

While Mr. Joestar was poorly demonstrating the boys on how to ride the one humped camel, Kichou approached the trader. 

"Excuse me? I'm kinda new on riding a camel. Can you show me how to ride this wonderful creature?" She asked politely.

The trader looked at her with a smile. "No problem dear. First, you make it sit down by making the sound." The trader then called out the camel. "Yi! Yi! Yi!" In which the camel immediately sat down. Kichou followed suit.

The trader continued to teach her as Mr. Joestar was still struggling.

"I thought you didn't know how to ride a camel!" Polnareff accused seeing Kichou riding at a distance practicing how to make the camel turn in the directions she wanted to. 

While Mr. Joestar was struggling the same problem Kichou has figured out. 

In no time the Crusaders have already mounted on their camel. The Old Man being more tired than usual. Then once they are all set, they are moving into the desert. Its going to be a long ride. 

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