19. Baby Stand

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"Hey! Hey! Hold it right there buddy! What do you mean your not selling us the plane?" Last night you said you would sell it to me and you took the money!" Mr. Joestar argued loudly. Jotaro and Kichou stood side by side observing the old man arguing with the owner of the plane.

"I'll return the money. The truth is this baby is sick, 39 degrees celcius fever. There are no doctors in this village so we have to take him to the ones that does." The woman says. Kichou looks at Polnareff and Kakyoin who were approaching them. 

"A baby?" Kakyoin asked.

Kichou looks at the both of them. "Just in time. The owner of the plane is not selling us the plane anymore." Kichou briefly explained as Joseph argued with the owner in the background.

"Excuse me..." A voice interrupted them in which everyone looked at the woman carrying the baby... Possibly the mother. "How about this... The plane can hold at 5 people. There are five of you so it shouldn't matter. Let's give them the baby so they can take it to the next village and get it to a doctor. "                                                                                                           

Kichou frowned. No mother would leave their baby with five strangers.

"Are you sure madam?" Kichou asked as the baby started crying while Kakyoin approached the baby.

"I'm sorry! I didn't even mean to... I didn't mean to touch him." Kakyoin apologized. Kichou chuckles. "So I am not the only one who doesn't have the affinity of taking care of babies." 

"Eh? Babies like pretty people. Why don't babies like you?" Polnareff says with a questioning look.

Kichou frowns a bit pissed. "Are you implying something, Jean Pierre Polnareff?!" She forcibly smiled.

Before it became into a big argument Polnareff interfered with Mr. Joestar's transaction.

"Listen, its a great idea. There is no way that anyone would come after us that high up and the speed we are going. Surely no one would ambush us in the middle of the desert." Polnareff says. 

"We  also checked on the plane and checked on it. It's not a stand." He added.

 "I worry more about  Granpa's flying technique than enemy stands." Jotaro says grimly negative about the idea of Mr. Joestars flight prowess.

"Since you agreed to it, you will be changing the kid's diapers when he poops." Kichou says.

Once everything was settled, the crusaders flew into the sky. 

"Now that I'm on the plane, I'm getting sleepy." Polnareff says. "Mr. Joestar. I'm sorry but let me sleep for about 30 mins." Polnareff says passing the baby basket to Kichou. Kichou grumbled as she was really unsure of holding the baby. 

Kakyoin and Polnareff slept as Kichou zoned out.

"Kiiyan, aren't you going to take a nap?" Mr. Joestar asked. 

Kichou looked over the old man. "Nope, I had enough sleep yesterday." Mr. Joestar just nodded as Kichou watched the plane passing by on a desert. A few minutes of silence with only the plane engine as the background noise when suddenly Kichou noticed the kid grunting as if...

"Ugh! This is what I'm talking about." She groaned shaking the french man beside her. "Polnareff! Polnareff!" Kichou lightly slapped as she shook him awake. "Polnareff! Wake up! Diaper! Diaper!" She says repeatedly. 

Polnareff jolted awake startled like...

"I seem to have a bad dream." He says grunting. 

"You can go back to your dreams and change it for now... I need help. I don't know how to change diapers." Kichou says offering the baby to him.

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