Saeyoung~A Special Surprise

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Setting everything up without Saeyoung noticing was definitely difficult, especially since he notices everything and since I asked Saeran for help, he sees every time we stop talking once he walks in. No I'm not cheating, I'm pregnant. 3 months to be exact and I am super excited to tell Saeyoung, the only problem is that I was struggling to find ideas on how to tell him. "So Saeyoung will be here in an hour. That should hive us enough time to prepare." Saeran tells me.

"Perfect. Thanks for helping me Saeran. I appreciate it a lot you know." I tell Saeran as I place the Honey Buddha Chips in the box, the center having a note for Saeyoung.

"So how happy is he going to be?" Saeran asks me while he hands me the ultrasound photos.

"Very. He's talked about wanting kids for the past couple of months." I smile thinking about how much he wanted kids. He always made plans and even has blueprints of different baby rooms we could have. "I don't know when we'll tell the members. Maybe after Saeyoung knows, maybe a couple days from now."

"I'm sure everyone will be very happy for you two. I know I am." Saeran whispers.

"What's the matter?" I ask turning to Saeran, worried about him.

"Well I don't want you two to forget about me and I don't wanna get in the way with the baby on the way."

"Saeran of course we won't forget you. You'll be a great uncle, you won't be getting in the way I promise okay. Saeyoung feels the same way, he could never forget about you." I place the ultrasound photos into the box, placing them under the bags of chips before putting the cove over it. "Now we just have to wait for Saeyoung to get home." I say happily. "Saeran I hope you know that you'll be the best uncle."

"Thanks Y/N." He smiles before going into the kitchen probably to get some ice cream for himself.

45 Minutes Later

I hear the garage open, signaling the return of Saeyoung. I try to hide my smile as he walks into the house, appearing in the doorway.

"Hey Saeyoung can you sit down really quick. I have something really important to tell you." He looks at me worried, taking a seat next to me. I pull out the box from under the coffee table.

"What's wrong honey?" I take his hand, grabbing the box handing it to him.

"Open it." I smile as he takes the ribbon off. Taking the top off he pulls out the small note, saying 'Soon our family of 3 will be a family of 4.' He pulls out the 4 bags of chips, revealing the ultrasound pictures.

"Are you serious?" He asks looking at me.

"You're gonna be a dad baby." He smiles wide before wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you so much love."

"Well I couldn't have done it without you Saeyoung." I say kissing his neck. He pulls away and stands before picking me up and carrying me to our room. Laying me down on the bed he hovers over me, making sure to not put any weight on me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He leans down kissing me softly before laying next to me. "When should we tell the rest of the RFA?"

"Tomorrow, it's late honey." He kisses me before standing up. "I'm going to be back after I tell Saeran goodnight."

"Oh and by the way the box was Saeran's idea."

"I'll make sure to thank him. I'll be back in a few minutes okay."

"Okay." I lay down closing my eyes waiting for Saeyoung to come back.

Saeyoung P.O.V.

I leave me room heading to Saeran's room down the hall, I knock on the door to his room waiting for a response.

"Come in." I hear his soft voice announce. I walk in closing the door behind me.

"So the box was your idea, I liked it I really did Saeran." I tell him honestly.

"I wanted to do something nice since Y/N asked me for help." He responds.

"What's wrong Saeran?"

"Nothing I just don't wanna be in your way."

"You won't Saeran. We both love having you here. And you make this better, this family complete. It wouldn't be a family without you. Don't worry about it Saeran." I go over to him, hugging him. He hugs back and I smile. "How about this you can help us decorate the baby room. I know Y/N loves all of your design inputs and so do I."

"That'd be nice."

"Night Saeran. Get a good night's sleep okay." I pull away standing up.

"Night Saeyoung and congratulations."

"Thanks Saeran." I leave his room, closing the door and head back to my room wanting to cuddle Y/N. I open the door and see Y/N sleeping. I chuckle quietly before laying down next to her. My arm wraps around her gently, pulling her into my embrace. "Night my love."


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