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Mafia Au

TW: death

Not accurate to story line of any route just wanted to do something different this time around. Also characters personalities will be slightly different. 

"Hey are you ready to go?" Yoosung asks, his head peering around the door.

"Yeah I am." I grab my leather jacket from where it lays on the back on a chair and walk out of my work room, taking Yoosung's hand into mine as I walk out the door. We are supposed to meet up with Rika and Jihyun. The others are at a different spot that we would go to after we picked up Rika and Jihyun. Yoosung gets into the driver's seat of the car while I hop into the passenger seat of our car. The drive is silent since we both have concerns on our minds. Publicly it was announced that both Rika and Jihyun are dead, much to the surprise of everyone. All the flowers we've been sent as a "sorry for your loss" would be nice but of course nothing good can last forever with us. Among one of the bouquets we were sent was the note saying 'I know all your secrets. I know the truth' causing all of us to scramble. We've put too much work into this plan for it all to fall apart now. I gently squeeze Yoosung's hand and he responds by doing the same thing. 

"It'll be okay Y/n." I lay my head against the head rest and fall asleep.

I feel my shoulder being moved slightly so I open my eyes. "We are here baby." I sit up and sure enough we are outside an old building where Rika and Jihyun are currently slating at until construction finishes on our newest building, our newest place of operation. I get out of the car while Yoosung stays behind to ensure we weren't followed by anyone. Quickly I find Rika and Jihyun and we leave, ensuring that their heads are covered incase any prying eyes are around. 

"So how have you both been" Rika asks.

"Good until we got that note." I reply while Yoosung nods in agreement.

"Jumin is trying to keep it on the low but soon enough something's gonna slip up." Yoosung adds after. "Both Saeyoung and Saeran are working tirelessly to keep all our info secure and the lines clear."

"Of course they are. Hopefully they are resting as well." Rika says, worry within her voice. 

"They are. Y/n makes sure of it." Yoosung replies.

"Thank you for that Y/n." Jihyun tells me. "I'm always worried about their wellbeing." My phone rings and I pick it up to see who's calling.

"Who is it?" Yoosung asks.

"Jumin." I go to hit the accent button but Yoosung's phone goes off because of a text, one from Jumin.

'Don't pick up the phone Y/n. It's not me calling. Saeyoung says it's someone else.' I instantly decline the call. 

"Never mind that wasn't Jumin."

"Then who was it?" Yoosung asks.

"No clue." I lay my head against the seat. I feel a hand on my arm.

"Honey it's okay. We will figure this out alright." The rest of the drive is silent. We make it to the meeting point, a secluded spot near the beach. Getting out of the car the cold air nipping at my arms. While I am wearing my leather jacket it isn't the warmest piece of clothing I own. I shiver moving closer to Yoosung who looks down at me. He takes off his hoodie slipping it over my head. I slip my arms into it while smiling small. The sound of footsteps catches my attention, Yoosung pulling me closer to his side. Saeyoung, Saeran, Zen, Jaehee and Jumin are walking towards us. Yoosung relaxes but still keeps me close to him. 

"I'm glad we all arrived here safely." Jumin tells us. 

"I wish this could be under better conditions but we have to fix this immediately." Saeran adds on.

"What have you guys been able to find?" Jihyun asks.

"Nothing. We don't know who it is or why they are doing this. We only have our assumptions." Saeyoung replies. 

"You guys are trying that's what matters right now." I say.

"So what are we going to do?" Jaehee asks concerned.

"Well we need a new plan, we definitely need a new plan." Zen says. Everyone nods in agreement, when shots ring out.

"Get down now!" Jumin whisper yells as we crouch down, using the car for cover.

"Dammit!" I grab my gun from my coat pocket, Yoosung grabbing his. I look over to see Saeyoung, Saeran and Zen have their guns in their hands. 

"We need to get Jihyun and Rika out of here." Jaehee tells us.

"You guys go. We'll cover you." Yoosung says referring to himself and to me. They nod while I prep myself to start shooting. "Go!" Standing up we return fire, giving everyone else the chance the escape and go somewhere that is much safer. Ducking back down, I reload my already empty gun as Yoosung watches for more gun fire. "I think we are all clear." He says leaning down next to me. I sigh and he gently grabs the back of my neck, pulling me forward so that my head lays on his shoulder. I put my gun back and Yoosung does the same as we sit in silence. 

"Yoosung how are we getting home?"

"We'll walk darling. We just need to keep an eye out." I nod and we stand up slowly, making our way off the beach while constantly looking around. We probably would have taken the car if it didn't have bullet holes in it. Besides it's not like the car is registered to one of us. Once off the beach we make our way through the city, Yoosung's hand gripping onto mine. I lean closer to Yoosung, staying away from any and all alleyways we pass by. 

"Honey I don't like this." I whisper as both cars and people walk by, completely oblivious to what happened only a half hour ago on a silent beach. 

"I don't like it either but we have to get home somehow. We aren't that far now." As we walk I notice a car pull up in front of us before parking and 2 people get out. They start to head towards us and I glance to Yoosung. "I see them. stay beside me." They stop in front of us, looking around quickly. There's to many people so hopefully we don't cause a scene. 

"Kim Yoosung and Kim Y/n you both need to come with us."

"What for?"

"Jumin contacted us. He wanted us to tell you that the packages are safe." Yoosung nods and he takes my head as we get into the car after walking to it. I trust Yoosung's judgment and if he thinks this is safe then I'm going along with it. I stay close to Yoosung in the car, his arm around me as we glance around our surroundings constantly. 

"We'll be okay baby." He whispers to me. Soon enough we pull into Jumin's home and we relax, now knowing that we were not being tricked. Jaehee runs out to us Saeyoung following closely behind her. 

"Quickly we found someone snooping around the house when we got back." Jaehee says. We hop out of the car running into the house. In the living room we see a close friend of Yoosung and I's on the floor tied up. 

"Surprise!" He shouts a smile on his face.

"How did you find out?" Yoosung asks, his voice cold. 

"Well it wasn't had since you both disappear so often on your so called 'vacation get-aways'. Please who is able to go to Japan on a monthly basis. Besides it was fun for me to figure out all your secrets." As I go to say something, Yoosung pulls out his gun having it by his side. "I always find people's secrets." Another second later a bullet is in his head. 

"Let's clean this up then come up with a new plan shall we." Jumin says. Zen nods his head and Yoosung wraps his arms around me. 

"You okay?" He asks me gently.

"Yes love I'm fine." I smile at him. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." I look to everyone with a smile. 

"Let's make sure this never happens again."


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