Hyun~Struggling To Manage

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"Has Zen moved on from Y/N? With the new role and the behind the scene footage, we really saw some amazing chemistry between the two actors. We haven't heard anything about Zen's and Y/N's relationship since the last RFA party. Still it appears they may have broken the relationship off-" I turn off the t.v. placing the remote down, a silence now filling the room. A wave of anxiety washes over me and I bring my knees up to my chest putting my head on top of my legs, a small shaky sigh leaving my lips. Hyun isn't home as he had practice today so he left this morning and won't be back for about another hours or so. I hear a knock on the door causing me to look up in utter confusion. Knowing Hyun would have brought his keys with him I stand up looking through the peep hole in the door to see a multitude of reporters standing there. I back away from the door before retreating into our room, my phone in my hand.

'Be careful on your way back home. Reporters are outside our place.' I text Hyun, warning him.

'Thank you baby. You be careful too and try to relax okay, I know that's gonna be hard but just think of me. I'm on my way home now, we finished earlier than expected.' 

'Okay see you soon love.' I sit on our bed trying to ignore the knocking on the door, my nerves getting to me. I take a deep breath while throwing a blanket over myself, wrapping myself into a comforting space. 30 minutes later I hear the door open before it closes again, trowing out the noise of the reporters, the brief door opening giving their voices time to travel into our home. 

"Baby where are you?"

"Our room." I semi-yell not removing the blanket from around me. Hyun walks into our room a worried look on his face. Upon seeing me he rushes over wrapping both arms around me as he knows it calms me down when I'm with him. 

"Honey look at me and take deep breaths. I called Jumin and he's sending body guards this way." I muster a small laugh.

"You actually called Jumin for help?"

"It's to keep you safe, so yes I called the CEO-in line. I could have sworn I told them to leave you be the last time I spoke to them." He sighs while holding me closer to his chest. I bury my head into his chest my arms automatically wrapping around him.

"Does everyone really believe we broke up?"

"I think so. That's all anyone asked me about during the rehearsal today."

So am I really not good enough for Hyun? Everyone seems to think that anyway. "Aren't you tired? You just came back from your rehearsal. You got up early today and you've been working all day."

"I am slightly tired but I want to wait for the body guards to get here so I know you'll be protected. And get all those negative thoughts out of your pretty mind. I'll never leave you for any person on this Earth." He places his lips onto mine, all my anxiety and nerves disappear for a few minutes, all of my attention and focus on our lips being connected. He traces his tongue along my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly. We pull away once a knock on our door is heard, a text being received following from Hyun's phone. He picks his phone up checking the text message. "Jumin's here with the body guards. They're the ones who knocked." We both stand up from the bed, Hyun on front of me. He opens the door and Jumin walks in the flood of questions coming through as he does. 

"Have you both called the relationship quits?"

"Are you still a couple?"

"Can we get any comments from either of you?" Before the door closes Jumin turns to the reporters and speaks.

"As a good friend of both Zen and Y/N, I can inform everyone that they are still a couple and plan to remain that way. They have non comments to make at this time. Now if every reporter and news outlet here can leave I'm sure both would be very grateful." Jumin closes the door, turning back to us.

"Thank you Jumin." I say gratefully.

"It's not a problem. I was surprised by your call today Zen." I see Jumin smiling small.

"Thanks for providing us the security detail Jumin. I owe you one for this." Zen tells him, his hand finding mine.

"They will be here for as long as you need. We already have relief back-ups ready as well. Now I should be heading back to the company. I wish you both the best until I see you next." Jumin says nonchalantly

"Same to you Jumin." I reply. He smiles once more before opening the door again.

"Zen take care of Y/N." He steps outside closing the door and I lay my head on Hyun's chest again, tears forming in my eyes the stress of the incident today getting to me as it crashes down. Hyun moves his hands to my face, brining my head up, wiping away my tears.

"Baby what's wrong? Tell me."

"I-I just... I don't know."

"It's okay." He leads me to the couch, sitting me down in his lap. "Look into my eyes and focus on my voice. I'm okay and all the reporters are gone, it's just the two of us okay." Hyun knows about my anxiety and the swarm of all the cabers and news crews just caused me lots of stress. 15 minutes later, my tears have dried and now we're just sitting on the couch quietly.

"I love you Hyun."

"I love you too Y/N." He kisses my forehead making me smile and lean into him more. "Now I'm going to order your favorite food and tonight is going to be all about you."


Happy birthday to our musical actor!!!

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