Saeran~Finally Happy

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Living on an island with Saeran is great. The RFA members visit once every 3 months. The only thing that's missing is Saeyoung, we still have no idea where he is. I already explained everything to Saeran a few days after we came to the island to live here. The RFA are supposed to arrive tomorrow so we can plan the party. "Y/N are you okay?" I turn and see Saeran behind me, a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine Saeran. Just... thinking." I smile and he wraps his arms around me.

"What are you thinking about?" Saeran runs a hand down my back.

"Saeyoung." I whisper placing my head in his chest. Saeran sighs but hugs me tighter not letting me go.

"Baby, we will find him I promise. I won't stop until we find him." I know Saeran is trying to cheer me up. It has been a little over a year since we came here 1 year and 3 months to be exact. "Now let's go to bed. We have everyone coming tomorrow." I nod my head and we go inside to our room.

"I love you." I say as Saeran wraps an arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"I love you too." He gives me a quick kiss on the lips before kissing my head. I fall asleep with Saeran running his hand up and down my back.

The Next Day

I wake up and look to Saeran who is already awake. "Good morning baby." Saeran says smiling at me, his voice slightly raspy due to him waking up probably only a few minutes before me.

"Good morning babe." I smile and place my lips on Saeran's.

"Everyone is going to be here soon so we should get ready." Saeran says as he pulls away. I smile and grab his hand nodding. Getting out of bed we change and go downstairs to greet everyone. I go to the kitchen and place everyone's favorite snacks on the counter. Saeran follows placing drinks on the kitchen island. I hear a knock on the door and one of the maids goes to open the door.

"They are waiting for you in the kitchen." We hear followed by footsteps. Jaehee, Jumin, Zen, and Yoosung stand in the doorway.

"Hey guys!" I say smiling, happy to see them. Jumin smiles back and moves to reveal one more person.

Saeran P.O.V.

"S-saeyoung." I say shocked.

"Hey Saeran-ah. It has been a while huh?" Saeyoung responds. I run over to him and give him a hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. From our father, from mother, from Rika. Forgive me please."

"I already forgave you. Y/N explained everything to me." I respond pulling away. I walk over to Y/N and grab her hand gently, entwining our fingers together.

"How did-" Y/N states.

"We find Saeyoung?" His former agency made a deal with him. Of course Saeyoung has leverage and they finally agreed to let him go. This happened after the prime minister was taken to jail." Jaehee finishes off.

"We have everyone back." Jumin says. They must have found out about Rika and V if Jumin is saying that.

"I'm guessing you all know everything then." I say, avoiding any questions I have about V and if they found him not wanting to ruin this moment.

"We do Saeran. Seve- I mean Saeyoung explained on the way here." Yoosung says, scratching the back of his head at almost calling Saeyoung by his hacker name.

"At least we have Saeyoung back." Zen says slinging an arm over his shoulders.

"Let's celebrate." Y/N says going over giving everyone hugs.

Y/N P.O.V.

I hug Saeyoung last and before I pull away he tells me something. "Thank you for looking after him Y/N-ah. I appreciate it so much."

Of course Saeyoung." I pull away and Saeran comes over to give me a back hug. Saeyoung smiles and laughs looking at us.

"Now we have some planning to do." Jaehee says.

We plan for the first 2 hours before setting that aside and deciding on playing a few board games while talking. It was enjoyable to see Jumin loosen up, hear Jaehee's laugh, have Yoosung be serious and focused, see Zen and Saeyoung joke around, and see Saeran smiling and laughing enjoying his time with everyone. On their last visit we decided they would stay with us for a few weeks and so around 6 we take everyone to their room before going downstairs to make dinner. Jaehee insists on helping make dinner and we talk while the boys set the table up, joking around with each other as Jumin attempts to make them all focus but I can see him smile fondly at Yoosung as he chases Saeyoung around the table. With dinner now made, we all sit down as one family, the RFA family. Around 8:30 we clean up and head to bed so everyone can settle in. I walk out to the balcony watching the sun set.

"How are you doing?" I hear Saeran behind me as he places his head on my shoulder, meaning he wants my attention. I turn around so that I can face him before answering.

"Happy now that the RFA is complete, that you have your brother again." Deep down I know that when V said his goodbye the last time that it was going to be the last time we ever heard from him. Saeran smiles placing his lips on mine. After a few minutes I pull away to get some air.

"I finally have a family, I'm finally happy, truly happy."

"I love you so much Saeran." I say hugging him tight. His arms wrap around m pulling me closer to him then I already was.

"I love you more Y/N." We pull apart and go back inside before hopping into bed and going to sleep.


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