Jihyun~Mornings Like This

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A hand runs through my hair gently, the morning sun hitting my face as I slowly open my eyes before curling into Jihyun, closing my eyes once more not wanting to wake up. I hear a soft but deep chuckle fill the room as two arms wrap around me tenderly. "Love, I know you're awake right now." Jihyun's voice comes out as a soft whisper near my right ear. "I wanna see your beautiful face baby." He is attempting to coax me into looking at him directly and damn it, it is working much to his joy. I let my head up, my eyes locking with Jihyun's immediately, an even bigger smile spreading across his face as he sees that I looked at him. "There's my pretty woman."

"Jihyun." I slightly whine, a blush spreading across my face as the usual compliments start to flow from his mouth. 

"You still tired Y/n?" He asks me softly.

"No I just want to stay here with you for a little bit longer that's all." I reply. He holds me closer to him, a soft and tender kiss being placed onto my forehead and my cheek lovingly. 

"Then we can stay like this for longer." A content sigh escaped my lips as I close my eyes, not out of tiredness but out of bliss. Several more soft kisses are placed along my head and face. These are the mornings that I love the most. Ones where I can lay here all day to my heart's content with Jihyun and stay covered with the sheets, his arms wrapped around me tightly. 

"I love you Jihyun."

"I love you more Y/n."


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