Saeran~Video Game Night

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After Ray's Good Ending but there are no spoilers.


"Yeah what's a matter honey?" Saeran runs into the room with. a worried look on his face.

"What do you wanna do for dinner?" He relaxes walking over to me.

"Whatever you want I"m fine with."

"Then how about we order some pizza and stay in tonight?" I ask while grabbing my phone off the desk.

"Sure that works sweetie. Isn't it our video game night anyways?"

"Yeah it is. Same order as always?"

"Yep our usual order of two pepperoni." Saeran leaves, portably to set up for a game night in the living room.

"Okay." I call the pizza place putting our order in for delivery. Afterwards I turn back towards my computer shutting it oof before leaving going to the living room. A few months ago we moves out of Saeyoung's place and got our own no to far away, only a few minutes away by walking to be exact. I see Saeran setting up our things for game night, blankets and a few pillows on the couch knowing we may end up sleeping on the couch. "The pizza will be here in about 30 minutes."

"Perfect that gives us time to cuddle." I laugh while walking over to him sitting down on the couch. Saeran pulls me into his lap and he leans back against the couch. "Hmm you're warm."

"And you're comfy." I respond while smiling.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Saeran says.

"Me too but you know we have things to do. Although I would love to just stay like this with you." I say while smiling again.

"I know sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too." I close my eyes and listen to the sound of his heartbeat, calming me, something I've grown quite accustomed and fond of. I open my eyes once more to look at him. For the next 30 minutes we cuddle and talk to each other until the doorbell rings. "Pizza is here."

"I got it baby." Saeran says grabbing his wallet walking over to the door. A few minutes later he walks back in with 2 pizza boxes in hand placing them onto the coffee table. "Let's eat!" I smile as Saeran sits down next to me opening up one of the boxes.

"Thanks baby." I grab a slice of pizza.

"No problem Y/N." He quickly kisses my cheek making me blush.

"So what game do you wanna play tonight?"

"Hmm...what about Just Dance for tonight?"

"Sounds good to me." We quickly eat out pizza going though both boxes before moving them to the kitchen. "You ready?"

"Yep. Are you ready?" Saeran asks while wrapping an arm around my waist while I look up at him.

"Of course." I place my lips onto his wrapping my arms around his neck. Saeran places his other hand on my waist pulling me closer to him. I pull away after a few minutes grabbing the switch controllers. Choosing Just Dance we start our game night, laughing together. About 1 hour into our game night Saeran's phone rings, with the Calle being Saeyoung. Picking up the phone, Saeran answers the phone putting it on speaker.

'Hey you two. What are you up to?'

"Having our game night. What are you doing?" Saeran asks while taking my hand into his.

'Nothing much. Just wanted to check up on you two. I'm gonna list you guys tomorrow. Is that okay?'

"Yeah it is. So we'll see you tomorrow. Bye Saeyoung. I love you."

'Bye! I love you too!' Saeran puts the phone down after Saeyoung hangs up.

"Shall we continue?" I ask.

"Yep let's go!"

2 Hours Later

The lights are all off and I'm laying down with Saeran behind me. "I had fun tonight love."

"Me too Saeran. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight my first and last love." Saeran kisses my head and I turn to face him. Quickly kissing his lips I lay my head on his chest.

"Night." Saeran pulls me closer before we both fall asleep.


I know it's kinda short but it's an update. Yoosung's birthday oneshot will probably be the next update for this book so look out for that!

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