Saeran~Gifts of Flowers

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I blink my eyes as the golden light from the rising sun enters through the window. I smile as I feel  a soft and tender kiss get placed onto my cheek. "Good morning my flower."

"Good morning darling." I reply before Saeran places his lips onto mine. He pulls away a bug smile on his face. "Happy birthday Saeran."

"Thank you love." I get out of bed, Saeran following as I walk to the kitchen. Saeyoung is still probably asleep so I decide to make the twins their favorite breakfast, pancakes. I make the batter quickly also deciding to cut up some fruit for us as well. As I'm making the pancakes I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist gently, a head laying on my shoulder.

"Yes Saeran?" I ask knowing it is him.

"Thank you for making food for us love."

"Of course. I also have something we can do for your birthday."

"Oh really! You're the best!" I smile as I continue making the pancakes. Once done with the pancakes, I open the fridge to see that we have strawberries and blueberries. Grabbing both containers, I wash the fruit before cutting up each strawberry into 4 smaller pieces. Putting the now cut strawberries and blueberries into a bowl, I set it on the table with the plate of pancakes joining it. As I finish up, Saeyoung walks into the kitchen. 

"Morning Saeyoung and happy birthday." I say while taking a seat next to Saeran.

"Morning Y/N. Morning Saeran." Saeyoung quips back while giving Saeran a quick hug before sitting down across from us. Quickly we eat, Saeyoung offering to do the dishes. Taking Saeran's hand into my own, I lead him to my work room where I keep all the files for the parties and where I plan the parties. 

"So what are we doing?" Saeran asks.

"Making paper roses." I say while pulling out small squares of colored paper from a drawer in the desk. I had peeped the paper a few days prior to today's date. I see Saeran's face light up with excitement. I grab some glue sticks and scissors placing them on the desk. I pull up the video I found earlier so that it is displayed on my laptop which sits in front of us. I press play and we follow the instructions, talking as we make the flowers. Around 3 hours later we finally stop, looking at all the different roses we made. "They all look so pretty."

"They are pretty but they are not as pretty as you." That causes a deep blush to form on my face. Saeran leans towards me, placing his lips onto mine. I lean closer before pulling away, smiling at Saeran.

"Happy birthday baby."

"Thanks for planning this love. I had fun."

"I love you Saeran."

"I love you too Y/N."


Happy birthday to Saeran!

Above is the link to the video I used to make paper roses and what the story is based off of. Just wanted to leave this here as credit for where I got my idea from and so you could get a visual of what the flowers look like. 

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