Hyun~When A Co-star Touches You Inappropriately

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"Okay everyone that's enough rehearsal for today. I want to see everyone beck here tomorrow at 10 for our final rehearsal before the show 2 days from now." The director says clapping his hands. Hyun comes running over to me as I pack my bag with our things.

"Princess I'll be back in a few minutes, I have to change. I love you."

"Go change babe. I'll be here waiting." I lean up to kiss his cheek quickly causing him to smile. He goes to his changing room and I continue to pack our things. Suddenly I feel a presence behind me so I turn around. Standing there is Sungho, one of Hyun's co-stars for this play. "Hey Sungho." I say politely before bowing slightly.

"Hi Y/N. So you're Zen's manager huh?" I shift a little since I was a little uncomfortable but I didn't let it show.

"Uh yeah I am." I say smiling proudly.

"So are you single?"

"No I'm not, I'm dating someone." His jaw tenses slightly and I take a few steps back. I don't know why he would ask that question considering that Hyun and me dating is no secret. Yes we keep our dates and life a secret but we have a public relationship.

"Why don't you break up with your boyfriend and go out with me?" He takes a step forward towards me while I take a few back.

"I'm sorry I should get going n- ahh!" Sungho pins me to the wall. My wrists are held above my head as his free hand trails down to my waist.

"I won't take no as an answer Y/N." He leans close to my ear and neck. As I'm trying to lean away he places his hand on my thigh. I freeze trying to move away when suddenly I no longer feel his hands on me. Someone pulls me towards them and I recognize the scent as Hyun's.

"The hell are you doing to my girlfriend?!" Hyun shouts anger present in his voice. He places me behind him protectively.

"Zen this isn't what it looks like." Sungho says.

"Sungho I saw enough to know that it was exactly what it looked like. Now would you mind telling me why you were touching her like that?"

"Um... well... I-"

"You know what save it. Sungho stay away from Y/N." We go to walk away but Sungho pulls Hyun back, throwing a punch. Hyun blocks it before he can get hit. Unfortunately, Sungho throws another punch hitting him in the face.

"Babe!" A few of the other staff members here the scuffle and come running. Hyun was focused on blocking any punches but he was throwing a couple. I pull Hyun back along with a make up artist while Sungho's manager and the director pull him back.

"What is going on here?" The director asks. Hyun wipes the corner of his mouth gently.

"Sungho was touching me inappropriately. Zen came and told him to stay away from me. We went to walk away and Sungho decided to throw punches." I say slightly shaking. Hyun, noticing this, pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me.

"Sungho I'm highly disappointed in you. If you role in this play wasn't important I would replace you. Even then, we don't have a stand in for you." The director sighs. "I don't want you pithing 4 feet of Y/N and I will make sure you never get casted in another play with Zen, maybe even casted into a play ever again." Sungho's manager practically drags him away and the director turns to us. "Im sorry this happened to you. If you don't want to come in tomorrow you don't have to." He walks away and Hyun holds me tighter.

"Let's go home love." Hyun says. On the ride home we are both silent as he drives. After we enter our home he pulls me to him wrapping his arms around my comfortingly.

"Let's clean your cuts." I whisper softly before heading to out room. He follows and sits on the bed as I grab a towel to dab away the blood. I sit in front of him and gently dab away the blood on his lip. After I finish I place the towel in the hamper and sit next to Hyun once more.

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm fine Hyun I promise." I say leaning forward to give him a kiss.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I know but I wasn't there to protect you and I should have been there sooner."

"Well I'm safe now. All thanks to you okay. Now we need to get some sleep."

"You're right." We change quickly before getting into bed. Hyun pulls me close to him and I place my head onto his chest. "Goodnight princess. I love you."

"I love you too." Slowly sleep overtakes me as I listen to his heartbeat.


Happy Birthday to my good friend Coral!! I finished this story just in time for your 15th birthday and thought this would be a good time to post it. I will try to post more often on all of my books but school has been really tough lately as they keep swapping us with work so I haven't had time to write but I'm trying my best. Anyways hope you guys enjoy this story.

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