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"Y/N honey can you hand me the water cup please?" Jihyun asks while turning to look at me.

"Sure Jihyun." It's been 6 months sine Jihyun came back. He had gotten back into painting and he was doing good. I hand him the cup of water and he takes it.

"Thank you baby." Jihyun gives me a kiss on my cheek before he turns back to his canvas. I can see him smiling as he returns to painting.

"Of course. You know I enjoy helping you out when you are painting." I respond while sitting down on the couch. We had moved into a new house so that we could create new memories together.

"Do you now?" I can see Jihyun smirk slightly.

"Yes I do." I stand up and see a scenic piece that resembled our backyard. "It looks beautiful baby." Jihyun places his paint brush down and wraps his arms around me.

"Well it's not as beautiful as you are Y/N." I hide my face in his chest blushing. "Honey look at me." I shake my head no.

"No I don't want to." Jihyun laughs while lifting my head up with his hand.

"Beautiful as always." He places his lips on mine and he lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist and he sits on the couch. I lean forward and we stay like that for a couple more minutes before I pull away.

"Are you going to finish painting or no?"

"I have a couple more things to do for touch up then I'll be done Y/N."

"Okay. Take your time Jihyun." I stand up and sit back down on the couch. Jihyun goes back to his painting and touches it up. I smile before I hear my phone go off. I pick it up to see that Jumin is calling me.

"Hey Jumin. How are you doing?"

"Hello Y/N. I'm doing good, how about you?"

"Good. Anyways why are you calling?"

"I want to check in with Jihyun and you."

"Jihyun is doing well. He's working on a painting now."

"I see. I was planning on visiting later today with the other members."

"That sounds great! We haven't seen any of you since the last party. I'm excited to see all of you."

"Then we will be there in 3 hours, at noon."

"See you guys then." Jumin hangs up and I place my phone on the table.

"What did Jumin talk to you about?" Jihyun asks me.

"He told me that the members and him were planning on visiting us. They are gonna be here at noon."

"We haven't seen them in a while. And I think that should be good."Jihyun says as he puts down the paint brush he was using.

"We should get ready then." I stand up and we walk to our room to get ready.

3 Hours Later

Jihyun and I were in the kitchen waiting for the RFA members to show up. suddenly we hear the doorbell. "I'll go open it." Jihyun says while going to the front door. He comes back with Zen, 707, Jaehee, Jumin, and Yoosung.

"Hey guys!" I say as they walk in. For the next couple of hours we all talk.

"Y/N there is something I want to give you." Jihyun leaves and comes back with a package in his hands.

"What is this?" I say gently taking the package.

"Open it." I open the package and pull out a painting of a field of my favorite flower.

"It's beautiful Jihyun. Thank you." I go over and give him a hug.

"I'm glad you're doing something you love Jihyun." Zen tells him.

"You're very talented." Jaehee adds.

"I agree and it still feels weird calling you by your real name and not V." Yoosung says.

"You both seem very happy with each other." Jumin speaks up.

"We are." I say. Jihyun wraps his arm around my waist.

"I"m happy for both of you." Seven says.

"So where do you want to hang it up?" Jihyun asks. After everyone left we went to hang up the painting in our room.


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