Saeyoung~Nightmares of the Past

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I awake from my peaceful slumber to drink some water when I realize Saeyoung is no longer beside me. I look at my phone, seeing that it is 15 minutes past midnight. I get out of bed, knowing Saeyoung has to be somewhere in the house. It doesn't take me long to find him as once I step out into the hallway, I notice him standing in front of Saeran's room. Walking over to him, I slowly wrap my arms around his waist causing him to jump slightly until he realizes it is me. "Why are you up baby?" He whispers as to not wake up Saeran.

"I woke up to drink some water when I noticed you weren't there with me." Saeyoung gently takes my arm, bringing me out from behind him, moving me so that I am now in front of him. "Why are you up?"

"Just wanted to check on Saeran and make sure he is safe that's all." I could tell that there was something more to his reasoning but I decided to let it go until we got back to our room.

"Let's head back to bed Saeyoung." I whisper, pulling his hand so he will follow me. Heading back to our room, we sit on our bed. "What happened cause I can tell that there is something more to you getting out of bed to check on Saeran."

"Nightmare. I lose both Saeran and you to the agency and to Rika. Once I woke up and saw that you were okay, I wanted to check on Saeran as well." I look at Saeyoung noticing the small tears that are now running down his face. I reach up with my hand to wipe the tears away, him leaning into my touch.

"Saeyoung, Rika is incapable of hurting us again and the agency is just as incapable as she is. You took care of the agency so that they were unable to hurt anyone in the RFA. Besides, you know the agency very well understands what will happen if they as so much come close or kidnap anyone in the RFA."

"You always know what to say." Saeyoung pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me. "I love you so much and I can't lose you. I can't lose Saeran either, I feel like I just got him back even though it's been over 6 months."

"I love you too Saeyoung. I love you so so much. Saeran and I will always be here for you, you know that we will."

"We should probably go back to bed baby. But can I hold you the rest of the night?"

"Of course you can." We lay back down, Saeyoung pulling the sheets over us while holding me close to him. "Goodnight Saeyoung. I love you."

"Night love and I love you more." With that we both fall back to sleep, with hopes any more nightmares stay away.


Happy birthday to Saeyoung, the amazing hacker of the RFA!

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