Jumin~Forgetting Your Anniversary

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I wake up excited knowing that today is Jumin and mine's 3 year anniversary. I look to my side to see it empty meaning Jumin is already up. I sigh as I know he is probably going to work today. I get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. I see Jumin in a suit and tie meaning I am right about him going to work despite it being out anniversary. "Good morning Y/N."

"Morning Jumin." I say happily. He turns and I give him a hug.

"I'll be back later on tonight okay. I love you."

"I love you too." Jumin smiles at me before walking out the house. Did he forget our anniversary? I ask myself. I shake my head before making myself some breakfast. Elizabeth 3rd comes and rubs up against my legs. I smile as I look at her. "At least I have you here." I sigh before turning back to my breakfast to eat.

Several Hours Later

After a few hours of making sure the girt I got for Jumin is properly wrapped and placed in our closet I get a call. I pick it up seeing that Zen is calling me.

"Hey Y/N! Happy anniversary with Jumin!"

"Thanks Zen. At least someone remembered."

"Wait... has Jumin forgotten?" Zen asks.

"I think so. He even went to work today." I say in a disheartened voice.

"Aish how could he forget. I'll call Jahee. She might be able to talk him into leaving early."

"You really don't have to Zen. Jumin probably remembers it's our anniversary, don't worry."

"Okay if you say so Y/N. I'll talk yo you later the director's calling me. Bye!"

"Bye Zen!" I hang up and sigh, hoping that Jumin hasn't forgotten.


Jumin still ins't home and I've given up hope. But I decided to have a little more faith and I wait. 2 hours pass and it's now midnight. Our anniversary had passed. Tears fill my eyes and I head to bed sad and disappointed.

Jumin P.O.V.

It's 11:45 when Jaehee walks into my office. She looks shocked to see me here. "Mr.Han I thought you would have left by now. Surely Y/N is waiting for you."

"No she would be asleep by now." I say looking at the clock to confirm it.

"Mr.Han have you forgotten what day it is today?" Jaehee asks.

"Of course not Assistant Kang. It is a normal day."

"Mr.Han it's your 3rd anniversary with Y/N." Jahee responds. I look at my phone calendar to see that it is indeed my anniversary.

"Assistant Kang I'm giving you 2 weeks off. I need to make it up to Y/N so I will not be in the office." I grab my things and call my driver who is on the ground floor. He drives me home and by the time I enter the house it's 12:30am. I sigh as I forgot my anniversary with the most precious person in my life. I walk to our bedroom to see Y/N sleeping peacefully although I can tell her eyes are puffy. I'm such a bad husband. I walk into our closet to change and I see a bag on the floor. I open it and see several of my favorite photos of us framed. I pick up the letter and read it.

Hey baby! Happy anniversary! I love you so much and I'm happy that I met you. I love you Jumin!

I sigh again knowing she waited for me all day long and I was too busy to notice or even remember what day it was. I change and leave the closet, going to lay in bed. I wrap an arm around Y/N pulling her closer to me. "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I whisper.

Y/N P.O.V.

"I forgive you Jumin." I turn around and Jumin pulls me closer.

"I'm taking 2 weeks off. So as of right now I'm all yours. Happy anniversary love."

"Thank you Jumin. I love you." He smile and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I love you too." We fall asleep knowing we get to spend 2 weeks together, just us.


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