Yoosung~Down Memory Lane

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I pull the photo-books down from where they reside on the top shelf. Bringing the 2 books over to Yoosung who is sitting on the couch, Lisa our cat, right beside him. I place each book down before taking a seat right next to Yoosung who pulls me closer to him. Flipping to the first page in a dark blue book is moments of our 1st RFA party together including when Yoosung went on stage and then kissed me after he came down from the stage. "I was so happy to finally see you unperson and to see you safe out of harm's way." Yoosung tells me as I place my head on his shoulder. 

"I finally got to meet the person who stole my heart and made it his forever."  respond. He chuckles before placing a soft kiss to my head. Continuing to flip through we reminisce on our first party together. Photos of yoosung's arm around my waist, of Jumin and Zen getting along for once, Jahee talking to Seven. All memories that are forever preserved in the form of photos, allowing us to laugh and remember it all, down to the small details. The final photo makes us both smile. Shown is all of us smiling, glasses of champagne in our grasps as we look towards the camera. The photos after that are of us moving into our current apartment. 

"I still remember how Lisa stayed by us for the next few days after the move." Yoosung says as Lisa walks over Yoosung to me, stopping in my lap, curling up into a ball. 

"She never left us alone for a minute." I giggle. Closing that book, I open up the next one which is purple. "Isn't this the day we opened the animal clinic?" 

"Yeah. Both of us were excited for opening day."

"It is hard to believe 2 years have passed since opening day."

"I know but I had you with me the entire time."

"And I'll always be here." The next few pages are of the clinic, the details that make the clinic ours. Yoosung put so much work into getting every detail ready and with Jumin's help we were able to make Yoosung's dream a reality. After that photos of us on our vacation after Yoosung's eye surgery recovery appear on the pages. "You know I wouldn't mind going on another vacation with you."

"That's a good idea." I lift my head off his shoulder, turning to look at him, Lisa hopping off my lap simultaneously. He smiles small before pressing his lips onto mine pulling me into his lap. his hands grip onto my waist while my arms wrap around his neck, leaning closer to him. He turns and falls back so that he's now laying down on the couch with me laying on top of him. Several minutes go by before we pull away from one another, the need for oxygen taking over. "I love you."

"I love you too." I place my lips back onto his quickly before pulling away.

"Shall we go plan our next vacation then?" Yoosung sits up making sure I don't fall over. 

"Let's go."


Happy birthday Yoosung! I know this is a really short one but I had no other ideas. 

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