Hyun~Movie Night

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"Honey are you ready to go?" Hyun asks as we finish leaning up after the most recent RFA party. I look around the room noticing that almost everything has been cleaned up.

"You two can go. We have it from here." Seven tells us waving us out the door.

"Are you sure?" I ask, seeing Jaehee pick up the remains of a few balloons that popped thanks to Seven's antics.

"Yes we are sure." Jaehee yells as she walks over to us. "Everything's been taken care of anyways."

"Okay. I'll talk yo you guys tomorrow!" I say as we walk out to our car.

"So how was the party love?" Hyun asks me.

"Good you guys worked so hard to get everything done." I respond as Hyun drives us home.

"You did a lot of work to honey. You planned the whole thing, got all of the guests to come."

"Well every last bit of work was worth it. Even Jumin seemed to be enjoying himself today." I smile remembering how each member of the RFA interacted with the guests. Everyone seemed to have a good time, enjoying talking to those with similar interests.

"Now you get to relax love." Hyun says as we get to our place. After I moved in with Zen we would spend a night watching movies together each week. Then our schedules got packed with Zen having musical rehearsals almost every day, interviews and some acting roles for movies.

"Do you wanna have a movie night tonight?" I ask as we get to our place.

"Sure it's been a while since we've spent an entire night cuddling while watching movies." He comes over and kisses my cheek before taking my hand into his own. I smile as we walk towards the door, entering our house. I close the door before heading to our room.

"I'm gonna change. I'll be out soon to make dinner." I say closing the door. I change into a pair f long pajama bottoms and one of Hyun's hoodies. I place my dress in my hamper before leaving the room. "What do you want for dinner babe?"

"Hoe about f/f/n?" It's been awhile since we had it." He goes to our room to change while I grab the things for our favorite dish. About 10 minutes later I feel hands wrap around my waist. I smile before turning around to face Hyun. I place my lips onto his before pulling away and turning back around.

"I need to cook Hyun." I say while focusing.

"Do you need any help?"

"No it's okay love. Thanks for offering though." He kisses my cheek once more before walking to the living room.

1 Hour Later

"Foods done!" I say while grabbing 2 plates for us both.

"You're the best honey, you really are." He says as he walks into the kitchen. I hand him a plate while smiling. "After this let's start our movie night." I nod while getting some food onto my plate. As we eat we discuss what movie we want to watch tonight. "Since you made the food I'll clean the dishes and the kitchen."

"Okay I'll get the tv and couch set up." I give Hyun my plate before going to the living room. Grabbing a blanket from our room I sit on the couch, leaving a space for Hyun. Turning on the tv I set up the first movie we agreed upon. 5 minutes later Hyun comes over and sits, pulling me close to him, the blanket covering us both. He wraps an arm around me, turning off the light on the side table. I look up to him and place a kiss on his lips. He laughs before pressing play on the remote, causing the movie to start up, kissing me back after. "I love you Hyun."

"I love you too Y/N." He kisses the top of my head. I snuggle closer to him while blushing making him sigh in content. I place my head on his chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat, the movie playing in the background.


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