Jumin~Business Trip Return

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It has been a week since Jumin left for his business trip to Japan. I was busy planning for our next party which was to be very soon, so everything I was doing is just last minute preparations for the party date. Right now, I'm just waiting for Jumin to return, Elizabeth the 3rd sitting on my lap, softly purring as I pet her. I smile as she rubs her head up against my arm. "I know you miss Jumin as much as I do but he'll be back soon." Last night he called saying he'd be home by tonight. I hear the door open, footsteps following as the door closes once more.

"Hey baby, I'm home." Jumin steps into the living room and I stand up going over to him wrapping my arms around him.

"Welcome back home love." His arms wrap around my waist as he looks at me a soft smile on his face. "How was the trip?" 

"Wonderful although it would have been much better if you were with me." I pull away as Elizabeth rubs her sleek body up against Jumin's leg. My phone goes off and I see a chatroom has opened up in the RFA app. Smiling I open it, heading to our bedroom Jumin following with Elizabeth in his arms. Sitting on the bed I watch as the chatroom flows with messages from the other members. 

Zen - 'So is Jumin back from his trip?'

Zen - 'It'd be a shame if he missed the party.'

Jahee - 'Yes he is. He should be home now if I'm not mistaken.'

Y/N - 'He is home, thanks for asking. He just arrived a few minutes ago in fact.'

707 has entered the chatroom.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

707 - 'Welcome back CEO!'

Jumin - 'Hello everyone.'

Jahee - 'You got home safe then Mr.Han?'

Jumin - 'I did Assistant Kang.'

Yoosung - 'Anyways Y/N is the finishing touches for the party done?'

Y/N - Yeah everything is planned out. I just finished a few hours ago so Jahee you should have all the details in an email I sent.'

Jahee - 'Yes I received the email. Thanks for sending it over.'

Y/N - 'Of course! So I'll see you all at non in a couple of days then.'

707 - 'You know you will.'

707 - 'And then we can party!'

Zen - 'I'll see you guys at the party.'

Zen - 'I'm going to practice my lines now bye!'

Zen has left the chatroom

Y/N - 'I should get going to guys.'

Y/N - 'See you later!'

Yoosung - 'Bye!'

707 - 'Bye bye!'

Jahee - 'Goodnight Y/n.'

Y/N has left the chatroom.

I look over to Jumin as I lay down on the bed, Elizabeth moving over towards my side to lay down next to me. Jumin stands up from the bed, placing his phone on the bedside table. Quickly he changes out of his suit before laying next to me, the covers being thrown over the both of us. 

"I missed you." I whisper.

"I missed you too, baby." Jumin places his lips onto my own. After a few minutes I pull away, laying my head on his chest.

"I love you Jumin."

"I love you more Y/N."


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