Saeyoung~Ice cream

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"Saeyoung what are you doing baby?" I ask sitting next to him on the couch.

"Just looking up some guests for the next RFA party that's all." Saeyoung wraps an arm around me while he closes his laptop placing it on the coffee table in front of us. "What do you want to do Y/N?"

"Spend the day with you." I respond smiling. Saeyoung smiles back at me.

"Let's go get ice cream. It's been a while since we've last gone. Are you okay with Saeran going with us?"

"Of course I'm fine with Saeran coming with us! I know how much you both love ice cream, especially him." It's been a year since Saeyoung saved Saeran, who is living with us. Everything is going good and Saeran was helping out with the RFA as a new member.

"Saeran-ah!" Saeyoung shouts calling for his brother.

"Yes?" Saeran walks into the living room.

"We are going for ice cream. Wanna join?" Saeyoung asks.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Saeran says happily. Saeyoung stands up and he holds his hand out to me. I take it and stand up before we walk towards the garage. When we get into the car Saeyoung driving, me in the passenger seat and Saeran in the back, Saeyoug takes my hand in his. We get to the ice cream parlor we get out of the car. We enter and sit down before a waiter comes to take our order.

"What would you guys like to order today?" "Can I get 3 scopes of vanilla ice cream please." Saeran says.

"Sure! What would you like?" The waiter turns to Saeyoung and me.

"Can we get a banana split please. That should be it." I respond. He nods and walks away.

"so when are we going to hold the next RFA party?" Saeran asks.

"In about 6 months. We decided on a larger party this time." I respond.

"It's nice to see you happy Saeran." Saeyoung says.

"This never would have been possible without you Saeyoung, without either of you." Saeran responds. It was nice to see both of them happy.

"Here's your orders." The waiter sets our ice cream's on the table.

"Thank you!" We all say at the same time before the waiter walks away.

"Let's enjoy this moment." I say. Saeyoung look ay me before giving me a kiss. Saeran was too busy eating his ice cream to care.

"Here." Saeyoung holds a spoon with some of the ice cream. I smile before eating the ice cream off the spoon. Saeyoung smiles satisfied that he was able to feed me. I grab the last spoon and pick up some ice cream and hold it in front of Saeyoung. He laughs before eating the ice cream off the spoon. We finish eating our ice cream and leave after paying.

"Thank you guys for taking me." Saeran says while we are in the car, happily.

"Saeyougn suggested that we go so thank him." I say.

"Y/N, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here right now." Saeyoung puts in, glancing at me from the driver's side.

"Yeah he's right Y/N." Saeran agrees from the back seat.

"You guys win this time." I smile and Saeyoung smiles as well.

"We're home mow." Saeyoung says pulling into the garage. We exit the car and walk back into the house. Saeran goes to his room while Saeyoung and I walk into the kitchen. "I love you baby."

"I love you too." I turn around and Saeyoung picks me up placing me on the counter. He smiles before placing his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer to him. I pull away after several minutes so I can catch my breath.

"We should go out for ice cream more often don't you think?" Saeyoung lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"We should it gives us. chance to hang out. We should go with everyone else next time though. Cheer Jumin up a bit."

"Beautiful, smart and caring. Just 3 things that make me fall in love with you more each and every day Y/N." I blush and hide my face while Saeyoung chuckles. "Let's go to sleep. I love you. Forever and always."

"I love you. Forever and always." I say back as Saeyoung carries me to our room where we fall asleep, his arms wrapped around me.


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