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It has been slightly over 2 years since V has left. None of us know where he went off to, not even Jumin. Saeyoung has been trying to track him but he keeps losing track. All he told us was that he had to leave for a bit. We've tried tracking him but with practically no success. Regardless we are finally holding a party after 2 years given V gave Jumin the okay before leaving. We all met up over the past few months several times to plan things as well as hang out. I've been getting letters and a couple photos from V but that's all. I am beginning to lose hope that he is coming back but I'm trying to hold on and be positive knowing that he wouldn't just leave like that.

"Y/N!" I look up seeing Jaehee standing in her dress. She spent the night so we could get ready and I was able to convince Jaehee to wear a dress this time.

"We leaving now?" I ask placing down the letter I received from V yesterday morning.

"Yeah. You ready?"

"Yep. Let's go." I grab my phone and a small wristlet, following Jaehee out the door. Outside is the car Jumin sent for us to arrive in.

"So how are you doing?" Jaehee asks while pulling out a guest list.

"Okay. V has sent a few photos with the letters he's been sending. But I don't know when he is coming back." I sigh resting my head against the head rest in defeat.

"I'm sure he'll come back soon." Jaehee says softly. I nod hoping that day will come soon.

1 Hour Later

We make it to the venue and we both get out of the car. "Hey go inside I have to check off guests. Mr.Han and Yoosung should already be inside."

"Thanks Jaehee. I'll see you later." I walk inside the venue looking around for Yoosung and Jumin.

"Y/N!!" Yoosung shouts as he runs towards me.

"Hey Yoosung-ah." I smile as Yoosung engulfs me in a friendly hug. I hug back before pulling away from Yoosung. I see Jumin walking towards us a small smile on his face.

"Y/N it is good to see you." Jumin stands next to Yoosung.

"Same to you Jumin." I reply giving him a smile. Normally, when I get a letter from V I call jumin but yesterday I didn't have time and we had to prep for the party.

"Zen's here. I'll see you two soon!" Yoosung says while running over to Zen.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Jumin asks.

"Okay. I got a letter from V yesterday." I look around the party hall, glancing over all the decorations we put up the day before. "I'm kinda starting to feel lost without him. I know it hasn't been long either, I just don't know what to do anymore."

"He will be back. He cares about you a lot Y/N, remember that. You are the only reason V went through with the eye surgery and accepted it."

"Thanks Jumin." I smile and he hands me a glass of wine.

"Don't worry about it Y/N." He smiles. "Now let's start the party."

30 Minutes Later

Jumin stands on the stage taking the microphone in his hand. "I want to thank everyone who came today. I know many of you have been anticipating and looking forward to this ever since our last one got cancelled due to an unforeseen complications 2 years ago. I would also like to thank Y/N who become our party coordinator after Rika abandoned the organization." Everyone claps while looking at me causing me to look down and blush. "Now please enjoy the remainder of the party." Jumin steps down walking over to us.

"Congrats everyone." Saeyoung says while smiling. I know how hard things have been for him his entire life so to see him give a genuine smile is refreshing.

"Yes. We all worked hard for this." I respond.

"Oh I forgot to decorate a table. Saeyoung help me please." Yoosung says while walking away.

"Sure." Saeyoung responds while following.

"I should go greet sone of the ladies." Zen says winking before heading over to greet people.

"My father has just informed me he has arrived. I should go greet him." Jumin speaks up.

"Please let me accompany you Mr.Han." Jaehee adds. Both walk away leaving me alone. I once again look around the room, people talking with one another laughing, others getting food or drinks, all are the reminders on how everything came together in the end. Now I just need one last person for it to be perfectly complete.

"I've been waiting for this moment." I hear a voice behind me.

"...Me, too." I turn around to see V standing there. "V?"

"It's Kim Jihyun now."

"I missed you." He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry I was away for so long." I smile gently pulling away.

"I understand why Jihyun. Saeyoung kept losing track of you." Jihyun chuckles taking my hand into his. "I'm glad you came."

"So am I. I was going to surprise you at home but I couldn't wait that long to see you again and I didn't want to keep you waiting either." Yoosung is suddenly in front of us with Saeyoung not far behind.

"V you're back." Yoosung says shocked.

"It's good to see you Yoosung. I'm going by my birth name now, Jihyun." He smiles and soon we are joined by Zen, Jaehee and Jumin. "All of you seem to be doing well. I apologize for being away for so long." He looks at everyone stopping at me. I smile leaning, my head on his shoulder, his grip on my hand tightening. "I'm also sorry for keeping secrets from all of you. I just wanted you all to be safe."

"I imagine you are here to stay right?" Jaehee asks.

Yes I am, that is if you all will allow me to be a part of the RFA again" Jihyun says.

"Of course we do." Jumin responds. Everyone else nods in agreement, including Yoosung. "Now let's enjoy this moment shall we." I grab a tray that had 7 glasses with champagne. Passing one to everyone I set the tray down.

"To the RFA." I say holding my glass up.

"To the RFA." Everyone else repeats as we take a sip.

"Now let us go and enjoy the rest of this part together." Jihyun says, pulling me as close as he can towards him. I smile looking forward towards all the good times that lie ahead.


Yes I did go back and make sure the reasons everyone left Y/N alone is accurate as well as the conversation after that up until the 'I missed you' part.

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