Jaehee~Something Special

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The timer goes off, signaling that the cake we put inside the oven is done. "I got it." Jaehee says as she runs over to take the cake out. Placing it on the counter, she closes the oven door before walking over to me. The smell of the double chocolate cake fills the café, that as of now, has no customers as we weren't open yet.

"It smells delicious." I say as I look to Jaehee.

"Yes but does it taste good?" Jaehee asks while cutting a small slice for us to share. I grab 2 forks for us so we can assure that the cake tastes delicious. Slowly we both go to take some of the cake from the slice Jaehee cut. As soon as the cake enters my mouth it practically melts in my mouth, the taste of chocolate perfect.

"Mmm... it's perfect." I say after I swallow the chocolate cake.

"Should we open the shop now?" She asks. I nod while smiling, placing any last cups in there proper places. Jaehee walks over to the door and flips the small sign around to say open. A few minutes later several customers walk in.

"Welcome! How may I help you today?" I ask while smiling. This is how it normally goes in our café. I take orders, Jaehee makes them and I deliver them to the customer. I enjoyed this tough as sometimes Yoosung will even drop by to pick up Jumin some coffee or even get some for himself. The weather is colder outside so more people are looking for something to warm them up.

Several Hours Later

Finally the flow of the morning rush is gone, leaving only a few customers, mainly college students and some couples on a date. "Today's a nice day outside." I say to Jaehee, who is standing next to me.

"Yeah it is. Although it is getting colder outside lately." She responds while smiling. "Oh also I have a surprise for you later."


"Yeah of course. It's been a year since we're opened the café up."

"Wow does time fly by huh. I can't believe it has already been a year." We both turn hearing the bell on the door go off. Yoosung is standing there waving at us. "Welcome Yoosung! What can we get you today?"

"Jumin's usual please. Oh and can I get a mocha please with some chocolate cake." Yoosung smiles while handing over the money.

"I'll get you a bag for the cake and Jumin's coffee." Jaehee says while I make Yoosung's coffee. Placing Yoosung's cup of coffee down, Jaehee comes with Jumin's and the cake Yoosung ordered, the cake in a small container and the top on the coffee tight so it doesn't spill. "Tell Jumin we said hi."

"Bye Jaehee, bye Y/N! See you two later." Yoosung says while he leaves.

"Poor Yoosung." I say while smiling.

"Ahh he'll be fine. Yoosung will get used to it anyway." Jaehee says laughing slightly. Over the next few hours we serve the customers before closing at 5 for the night which is an hour earlier than we normally would. "Now time for the surprise." Jaehee says pulling out a bag and handing it to me. Opening is up I see 2 tickets to Zen's current musical that primers tonight.

"Jaehee you shouldn't have!" I say giving her a hug. "Is this why we closed early today?"

"Yep, now let's go get ready. We don't want to be late. It starts in 2 hours so we should heave enough time if we leave now."

"Let's go then." I say excitedly. Jaehee laughs as I smile as we walk out the café.

An Hour and A Half Later

Both Jaehee and I are ready and now walking to the theater where Zen's musical is being held. "Thanks Jaehee for buying the tickets so we could go."

"Of course Y/N. This would be your first time seeing one of Zen's performances isn't it?"

"Yep and I'm glad we can go together." I say as we enter the theater.

"Now let's go see Zen perform. We may be able to congratulate him after as well since he might see us considering we have front row seats."

2 Hours Later

We clap as the curtains close, signaling the end of the musical. Both Jaehee's phone and my own go off, noticing us of a text.

"It's Zen saying he wants to see us." I say. We both smile as we see Zen waving us backstage.

"Hey you two! I didn't know you were going to be here tonight." Zen says as he hugs us both.

"Well Jaehee is the one who bought the tickets so thank her." I say. "She's the best."

"Jaehee I could have gotten both of you tickets." Zen says looking at Jaehee.

"No and it was a gift anyways." Jaehee responds.

"It was the best gift ever. Now I just need to get you something." I respond.

"You don't really need to Y/N." Jaehee insists.

"Nope I'm getting you something and you can't stop me." I say while smiling.

"Let her Jaehee. It's been a year since you guys have opened the café. It's a special occasion." Zen adds.

"Alright fine." She says while smiling.

"Yay!!" I respond excitedly while hugging her. We spent a few more minutes talking with Zen before leaving to our apartments. "Thanks again Jaehee."

"No problem Y/N. It was fun."

"Yeah it was. See you tomorrow." I say while waving goodbye.


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