Yoosung~I Want A Divorce Prank

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I am sitting on the couch with our cat Lisa. Yoosung had just gotten permission to return to work after his eye surgery so he was very busy lately. I am watching tv when my phone starts to go off. I pick it up to see Seven is calling me. I hit the answer button and hold it up to my ear.

"Seven, hi!"

"Hi Y/N! How are you doing?"

"Good Seven. What is the hacking god 707 up to?"

"Being the Defender of Justice! Anyways, what is Yoosung up to?"

"He's at work. He was able to go back to the vet hospital a couple days ago so he's been busy."

"Ahh... so that's why he didn't pick up my calls earlier. Anyway~ have you ever thought of pranking Yoosung?" Seven says mischievously.

"No Seven." I say laughing lightly.

"Well I think you should prank him."

"Aish fine what prank should I do?"

"Well you guys are married so say you wanna get a divorce."

"Isn't that too harsh?"

"Come on it's not that bad. He'll forgive you."

"Aish... okay."

"Great! I'll send you fake papers so that you can print them out."

"Sounds good. I'll probably let you know what happens in the chat room."

"Alright bye! I sent you the papers."

"Bye Seven." I hang up the call and check my messages to see Seven has sent me the "divorce" papers. I look down at Lisa and she tilts her head. "Should I really be doing this Lisa?" She just licks her paw. I might as well go through with this prank as I already have the papers. I wonder why Seven has fake divorce papers? I'll ask him later. I sigh as I go to the printer to print out the papers. As the papers are printing, my phone goes off once more. I look to see that this time Yoosung has texted me.

'Hey baby, I want to let you know I'll be home earlier tonight. I love you!' I smile before responding.

'Hi honey. Thanks for letting m know.' I don't add "I love you" so that he knows is up. The papers have finished printing so I grab them and place them in an envelope, closing it up. I place it on the coffee table and then make dinner for when Yoosung get's home.

2 Hours Later

It is now 5:00 and I am waiting for Yoosung to walk through the door. I am a little nervous to pull this prank on him but I am also a little excited. I hear the door open and I look towards the door. "Hey Yoosung." Normally I would get up and give him a hug and a kiss but I need to get the prank to be authentic.

"Is there anything wrong honey?"

"No nothing is. Let's eat." We go to the kitchen and we eat in silence. I glance at Yoosung every so often to see he looks deep in thought. After dinner we o to the living room and sit on the couch.

"What's wrong Y/N? I know something's up."

"I wanna divorce." Yoosung look at me with shock.

"What?" I hand Yoosung the envelope and he opens it. "You're serious?" I nod my head and Yoosung look away. "Why?" I can hear the sadness in his voice.

"I just want a divorce." I say with little emotion. I hear him sigh in defeat.

"Where's a pen?" I hand him one that was next to me. "Where do I sign?"

"Before you do I want you to know, this is a prank." Yoosung looks at me once more and I smile.

"Yah how could you do this to your husband!!"

"I'm sorry. It was Seven's idea so you can yell at him later."

"Aish you scared me. I thought you really wanted a divorce."

"I would never want to divorce you. These are fake anyways see." I point out the seal which has an imprint of Seven on it. "I love you so much Yoosung."

"I love you to sweetie. Now let's go yell at Seven in the chatroom shall we?" We both smile before opening the messenger and seeing both Seven and Zen there we enter the chatroom.


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