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I gently knock on our bedroom door, knowing there is a possibility Jaehee may be asleep. I walk in a bowl of soup in my hands for her. "Hey love I brought you some soup." I say softly while placing the bowl on the bedside table.

"Thanks my sweet. I appreciate it a lot." Slowly she sits up her back laying against the headboard of our bed.

"Eat up but slowly. I'l bring you some medicine. Hopefully your fever goes down soon." Recently Jaehee has been overworking herself, staying up late to perfect recipes which lead to her developing a fever. I stand up going to the bathroom grabbing the Advil from the drawer along with a cup of water, walking back into the bedroom setting both on the bedside table. I also have been keeping the café closed to take care of Jaehee. I pat the bed gently feeling for Jaehee's legs to see where I can sit before sitting down.

"How is everyone doing?" She asks before taking a spoonful of the soup.

"Good. They all hope you feel better soon. The soup is a recipe Yoosung received from his mom. He thought it would help since he uses it whenever he is not feeling good."

"I'll tell him thank you next time I see him." Looking at my phone I open the RFA app seeing everyone is online. Logging into the chat room I watch the conversation.

Yoosung - 'So when are we planning to hold the next RFA party?'

Yoosung - 'It has been about a year since the last one was held.'

V - 'I was thinking we hold it 8 months from now. How does that sound to everyone?'

Zen - 'That seems good.'

Zen - 'I'm assuming it will be a party of a larger scale considering how much time it will take to prepare and gather guests.'

V - 'Yes it would be a party of a larger scale.'

Jumin - 'I see no problem with it. That is as long as Y/n is only with it.'

Jumin - 'After all see is the one who is going to be interacting with the potential guests through e-mail.'

Seven - 'Speaking of Y/N, she's been quiet.'

Y/N - 'Hey guys! I'm fine with having the party being 8 months from now.'

Y/N - 'And don't worry about me. I can handle it.'

Yoosung - 'How's Jaehee doing Y/N?'

Y/N - 'Her fever has gone down slightly form what it was last night but it's not completely gone. But she should be feeling better soon.'

Zen - 'That's good. At least she feels a little better.

Seven - 'Yeah yeah.'

Jumin - 'Once she's better, let us all get together to start planning.'

Y/N - 'Sounds good. I need to go but I'll talk to you all later!'

V - 'Good bye Y/N. Tell Jaehee I hope she feels better soon if you could.'

Jumin - 'Bye Y/N.'

Zen - 'Bye! Hope Jaehee feels better soon.'

Seven - 'Bye bye!'

Yoosung - See you soon.' I log off the chat putting my phone down. Looking over to Jaehee I notice she's done with the soup and is now taking the medicine. I pick up the bowl, taking it to the kitchen and washing it. Going back to Jaehee I lay down next to her, wrapping arm around her.

"We are going to start planning another party soon." I whisper.

"That's good." She moves closer to me and I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Take a nap with me, please."

"Of course baby." I notice her smile before she closes her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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