Jumin~My Love

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Soft kisses lay on my face as I start yo wake up from a good night's rest. I wake up to see Jumin laying next to me his hand running through my hair. "Good morning beautiful." He kisses my lips and I smile. 

"Morning handsome." I shift so that I'm laying on top of Jumin who chuckles. "Hmmm you're warm." I say. Right now it's raining so it is quite cold outside and since it was raining since last night the cold air has seeped it's way into the apartment. I nuzzle my face into his neck while he rubs my back.

"Sweetheart are you cold?"

"Yeah." He chuckles again while pulling the blanket closer to us.

"Well I took today off to spend with you baby." He kisses my head. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Can we bake something." 

"Sure my love." We get out of bed, Jumin handing me a hoodie from a chair in the corner of out room. I slip it on while giggling and he smiles at me fondly. We walk to the kitchen, Elizabeth the 3rd following us from behind. We make it to the kitchen and Jumin pulls out all the ingredients that we are going to need to bake a cake. We start baking as Elizabeth watches from her cat tree curiously.

2 Hours Later

We finish baking and making the frosting to use after. Now Jumin's arms are wrapped around my waist as we sway back and froth in our kitchen. "You're so pretty my love." That is Jumin's favorite pet name to call me by.

"But you're handsome." I reply.

"That's what you think. But you're pretty and cute and beautiful." He says. Jumin always gets soft whenever he is off since it helps him to destress. 

"Let's frost the cake." We do so placing it on a cake stand covering it. I yawn and Jumin smiles at me lovingly. 

"Let's go take a nap hmm." I nod and he lifts me off my feet taking my to our room. He places me on the bed laying down after pulling the covers over me. Elizabeth the 3rd jumps onto the bed curling up next to m. Jumin pulls me slightly closer before kissing my neck. "I love you.

"I love you too Jumin."

"Have a nice nap my love."


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