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The sound of rushing water gets dramatically louder as I dive toward it. The wind is stinging my face as I cut through it and I'm getting the feeling. That feeling like 'holy shit I'm gonna die' feeling. Just as I think my head is going to have a violent collision. with a triangular rock, the rope on my leg stops me from descending future and instead I am jerked upward.

I am screaming bloody murder the whole time. My body is being jerked around and the feeling of infinity falling is present. As I swing into and echoing part, which is probably under the bridge, and then back out, I hear Demi scream in pleasure, laughing and cheering like she didn't almost kill me.

"You fucking asshole!" I scream, terror and anger evident in my tone.

"We both know you love me!" She laughs back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I push you off a bridge? No, I didn't!"

"You filled my bathroom with hairy, eight-legged creatures! Consider this payback! Plus, this isn't so bad. The blood rushes to your head a little but it's fun. Concurring your fear is good." Demi says, proud of her actions. Congrats to her. I damn near shit myself.

"No, it's not. I'm still scared of heights and falling and now I'm mad at you!"

I start to feel Brian pulling me up to return to the bridge.

"Just pretend I'm the rope, if you fall, I'll catch you." She says sweetly. That's not fair. No one can be that persuasive. But she is, and my anger melts with my heart. "And I'm teaching you to swim now." She notes.

We get to a watering hole and slide ourselves in. It was a natural pool that got deeper further into the river. The rest of the water around us however, was whitewater.

"Ok, I'm going to show you the moves." Demi says cautiously.

I feel her stomach against my back and her arms grab my wrists and move in a circular kind of motion. Her head rests on my shoulder and nods when I do it correctly.

"Now to that while floating on your stomach and kicking your legs." She states.

"Excuse me?" There is no way in hell I'm going to do that. I'd like to live a little before I kick over the water in the bucket, not drown in it.

"Trust me. I'll hold you the whole time."

I reluctantly get on my stomach and immediately feel like I'm going to sink. Then I feel Demi's gentile hands, That I've grown so used to, on my waist. I do as she said and I feel like I'm getting the hang of it. Suddenly I here clapping, 25 feet behind me.

"And you said you couldn't swim." She giggled.

I go back to her in standing depth and snake my arms around her waist. She turns and I feel her legs slowly lift and wrap around my waist. Her arms were dangling loosely over my shoulders and her face was in my neck.

"Having fun, Natie?" She asked.

"I'd be better if I wasn't pushed off a bridge by my little koala bear. But other than that, yeah." She laughed and kissed my cheek. Apparently she thought I was being cute.

We played Marco Polo, which I'm great at, since finding people blindly is what I do, and then we left. The path was different from the bridge one so it took a little longer but we got to the car none the less. All we were wearing over our baiting suits and short jeans with a towel over our neck.

Suddenly I heard a ding and listened to my message from Dylan.

"Where the fuck are you?!"

Oh shit.
----------------------------------------------sorry, I would have updated earlier, but I wasn't feeling it. It's here now though so vote and comment!

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