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When I turn around to feel my way down the hall, I hear Dylan and Jenny talking.

"So, you're telling me she is on a date with the Demi Lovato?" Jenny asks in disbelief.

"Well, that's what she said yesterday. Apparently they met in the beach when Demi fell on her." Dylan explained.

I guess 'she' must be me.

"I'm home." I say, announcing my presence.

There was a loud ding from my phone, signaling I received a text message.

I unlocked my phone and had it tell me the message. There's another blind person disadvantage, texts are never private.

"Hey, babe! I was wondering if maybe you could do lunch tomorrow. I know you might be busy right now, do just text or call when you can!" The monotonous woman read.

"She called you babe!" I hear Aidens voice say next to my head. I jump in surprise and look at where the voice came from.

"Damn it Aid! You scared me!but yeah, she did." I finished smiling. Just the thought of Demi puts a smile on my face.

I walk over to the sound of Jenny and Dylan's voices but walk into a coffee table. I curse under my breath and squeeze between my two friends sitting on the couch and respond to Demi.

"Hey, Dem! I'd love to join you. Can you pick me up though? I don't want to be a bother so if you can't that's fine"

I lock my phone and set it on the table I just walked into. I suddenly feel Dylan's muscular arm pull me shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Smooth, Nat. Screw eyes. You scored yourself a good one, trust me."

See, I can't trust Dylan because he bases on looks. Since I can't see, I assume everyone is attractive until I get a feel for them as a person. For example, if they have a shit personality, they automatically become a goblin. So far, Demi is a fucking Goddess.

She listens with such interest in everything anyone has to say, which is hard to do, I know, most of my life is based off sounds and what people say. She can make me laugh because she's hilarious. She told me all the places she's been, she's so adventurous. I know she was homeschooled, and she admitted to sucking at math and science. She sounded ashamed she wasn't the smartest person in the world but I comforted her with the classic line 'what does the number five look like?' She's not stupid though, she's incredibly smart. She probably knows the meaning of life with all she's experienced.

I hear a ding and go through the process to hear the text.

"Of course. Natie, I'll pick you up at eleven forty five. I can't wait to see you! Do you think we could hang out? My studio guy is sick so I granted myself the day off."

"Oo, bring her home so we can meet her!" Jenny says excitedly. Jen's a fan, but not a lovatic. That's Monica.

"I don't know. I don't want to push. I mean, we just met like a day ago." I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I know they want to make sure she's 'ok' but it may be a little much.

"We're not going to do anything, Natalie. We just want to hang out so we know she won't rape you and leave you dead in a ditch." Aiden says in a cheery voice. I know he's trying to be helpful but the analogy was a little much.

I quickly respond with 'well, want to see a movie then come to my place? My friends want to make sure you won't rape and kill me. And get to know you of course."

I hope that doesn't scare her. Everyone overdoes the 'you need to be protected' stunt. None of you are parents yet, fuck off.

I feel Dylan sit closer to me so Aiden can join us on the couch. The TV goes off and I hear people talking before being shut down by whoever has the remote changing the channel. Gotta love the Spanish channel. We ended up watching/listening to the Spanish edition of Twighlight for a little while.

I hear a ding and someone rushes to mute the tv.

"That sounds fun. Smiley face. And it's sweet that your friends care so much about you. Haha. They seem cool. Wait, how do you see a movie?" The woman says.

"Aw! She wrote smiley face for you!" Jenny said giddily.

"And unlike someone else, she remembered I can't see!" I responded, referring to Jenny forgetting.

"She's got a point. A movie? Really nat?" Aiden questions.

I don't respond to him. The only one I need to respond to is Demi.

"Oh right, I forgot. Well, if you want to see anything, there's a blind person movie theater on Franklin Street. Or we could go to a museum." I say into my phone.

"Museums are boring. Plus, you cant even see the artifacts." Jenny says.

"You know what? Aiden and Jenny, go back to your place, your raining on my parade!" I say. I was so done with their comments.

The couch lifts greatly when their weight leaves it.

"Have fun on the parade of love." Aiden says dramatically. "And Dylan, way to third wheel it!" Then I hear Aidens footsteps scurry out the door. He knows Dylan would mess with him for that. I don't know why Aiden hasn't learned to filter his mouth yet. He's going to get himself killed.

I suddenly hear a monotonous voice breaking my thoughts.

"Let's go to the movies! I'll close my eyes so I can get the full package! What is the best film to listen to?" I laugh at her cuteness. No one has ever offered to close their eyes for two hours to experience what I do.

"Dylan leave my phone alone!"

"I'm trying to help!"

"Horror. Usually, other genres get killed without seeing emotion." I respond.

"Do you really like her, don't you.She seems sweet."

"Yeah, I do I think. Her personality is fantastic and even you said 'DAYUM!' When we left the beach so she must be gorgeous"

" yeah, I wish you luck Nat. But if I find out my sis is being mistreated I'll have to take her out." There's a warning in his voice, he always plays the father in my romantic life. It's not very often though, I've only been on three dates and in two relationships.

He takes my phone once again and plays the message that had just arrived.

"Horror it is! We can pick which one there. Be spontaneous. I have to sleep now, I'm tired. Night, babe."

"Dylan, you can stay the night. I need to go to bed also."

"I'll take you up on that offer."

He shuts off the tv and helps me to bed. He hands me my phone and I respond quickly to Demi.

"Night, b."

Dylan hugs me goodnight. I only have one thing on my mind when I fall asleep.

----------------------------------------------the only reason I updated this is because I wrote it last night. Labile compassion will be updated tomorrow. What do you think of the story so far? Vote and comment!

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