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The car stops as we pull into the amusement park parking lot. Demi and I have to wait for Monica to unlock the back because the button to let us out that is by us broke. When the door does open, we step out and are surrounded by the humid air that replaces the air conditioned air of the car. The hot sun beating on my face. I bet everyone is squinting because of it. Guess who doesn't? That's right, this girl.

If you look into the sun, it burns your retina and you see dots when you look away. Your eyes have to adjust to the light and the spots are actually overly excited light sensitive blood cells. Your eyes are damaged by the sun because the UV light it gives off gives your eyes a sunburn. Thankfully, it's usually temporary. Of course that's something for everyone else to worry about, because rain or shine, I don't feel a damn thing.

"You coming, nat?" Aiden says snapping me out of my trance. I walk in his direction but am soon jerked to the left by a soft hand grabbing my wrist and slipping itself into mine.

"Wrong way, sweetheart." Demi says.

We get to the ticket line and corny theme park music is played over the dozens of people waiting under the blazing sun with no wind as a relief. Like the restaurant, I can here nearly every single conversation.

The young boy in the next waiting line is complaining to his mother about him wanting cotton candy and to go on the biggest roller coaster afterward. His mom is arguing back that they had just eaten breakfast and that he's not tall enough to go on the tallest roller coaster.

A little farther ahead in our line. A teenage girl is yelling at her dad because he won't let her and her boyfriend go without an adult. Her dad on the other hand, is telling her that he doesn't trust her or her boyfriend. While they ask why, I can hear her mother saying that she thinks, quote, "because your teenagers and he's a god damn idiotic dick head, you're just too naive to see that." My guess is he's an ass that wants her for sex. If there is anything else he finds her useful for, it doesn't show. The teenagers and father are too absorbed in their argument to hear the mothers comment.

Directly behind us is a Spanish group, all woman. They're laughing at something, I don't understand what's so funny, though. I was awfully caught up in the conversation my friends were trying to engage me in. They were talking about where to go first. They mentioned the roller coaster called Goliath. There is no way in hell I am going on that roller coaster willfully, but knowing my friends, I will end up on it anyway.

"Earth to Natalie Foster. Helooooo!!!!!" Aiden says whilst poking me in the face.

"Don't touch my face." I complain, batting him away.

"Whatever, we're going on the bumper cars first. Want your own car or ride with somebody and hit something besides the barrier."

I'd glare at him for that, but if can't. So I settle for kicking his leg and cursing so bad my mom would have slapped me upside the head. Although thinking about it, she would probably bit me on the head anyway. She's sweet like that. Note the sarcasm.

"Ill partner up." I grunt.

After being in line for another fifteen minutes, we finally got through to the bumper cars. Therefore, another line. My life is a line, I make other peoples lives lines. Lines, lines, lines. Waiting for this, waiting for that. Waiting on you waiting on me. That's pretty much all it is.

"So you going with me?" I hear Demi ask against my ear.

"Of course." I smile.

"Good." She says, raising our adjoined hands to kiss the back of mine." Wanna drive? You did fantastic last time."

"Yes! Because I'm great at it." I laugh and lean against the railing next to us.

The line eventually waddles in front of us and Demi helps me into our car. She explains the controls and soon enough the motorizedd vehicle lurches forward and I bump into something.

"What the hell is Natalie doing behind the wheel?" Dylan asks. That must be what I hit. Hey this is like battleship. Miss...miss...miss... Hit!

"I'm letting Natalie do what she does best. Bump into things!" Demi says cheerfully teasing me. That resulted in me hitting her in the arm playfully.

I ended up hitting practically everyone. When we got off the first thing Demi did was take my hand and peck my lips before walking me back to the paved pathway outside the cooler bumper car area.

"Good job babes."

"Thanks baby." I say smiling.

"Alright love birds, come on we're going to the swings next." I here Katia say.

I love swings. All you do is move your legs while sitting. But why would they be at Six Flags, and why would we be standing in line for them?

"You excited?" Demi asks

"Yeah, but why is there a line for swings? There swings."

"You'll see." I don't know if I should be excited or terrified by that response.

A few minutes later, I find myself walking into the swing area. Demi's hand is in mine and she's my swing partner. Apparently, these swings are special and/or for people that cannot sit without falling forward because there is a bar demi had to lift when I sat down. Then she had to clip me in. It's like being a toddler all over again. To make it even more special, Demi's seat is literally connected to mine. I'm perfectly ok with Demi being beside me. But what if I was alone, I never would but what if, and I was forced into sitting next to a three hundred pound man eating a sloppy joe with no napkins while picking his nose and farting so loud he might be actually sharting.

"Nat, you ok?" Demi asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, why?"

"I asked you a question."

"Sorry, what is it?"

"I asked if you know what's happening?"

"Yeah, we're on a swing." I said confused

"What kind of swing?" She asked concerned.

"There's multiple kinds of swings?" I counted

Did she think I went brain dead from the walk her? Then I understood what she meant when there was a buzzing to our left and we moved in circles before the swings lifted off the ground. I didn't even move my legs.


Sorry, this is the only update. I have trouble doing this and watching snl 40. Vote and comment!


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Was it wrong for no one to tell Natalie that the swing wasn't the swing she thinks it is?

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