To Infinity And Beyond

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"Natalie." Demi says, hovering over me with the intensity in her voice burning through my skin. "Listen to me, ok? You are beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, and a whole lot more. Don't be so insecure and let those voices get to you. I know you can't see it, but I'm nervous too. I'm so scared that you'll reject me at any second, you know why? Because you're my definition of perfect. Perfect makes me nervous. So, don't be scared, I love you. No matter what, I just need you to trust that and love me too."

"Ok." I said just above a whisper,

Then she kissed me again, passion oozing out like the overflow was too much for us. I wanted to deepen the kiss, but she let go to trail down my body back to where she was previous. Her thumbs were all that were between my legs, everything else was surrounding. Demi whispered I love you every ten seconds or so, telling me how beautiful was and not to worry. Then, with a deep inhale, Demi applied the littlest amount of pressure to the inside of my inner thighs to spread them apart. I hesitated, but reluctantly exposed my center to Demi and the open air.

I gasped when Demi moved and a light gust of wind went by and she giggled.

"You get used to it. Now are you-"

"Do it. Just do it. I love you."

Her lips gently grazed to the center of my stomach, starting near my left ribs. Then went to my belly button before leaving butterfly kisses. With a deep breath, she continues to gently move down, but this time it wasn't butterfly kisses. She was still patient, but a bit more aggressive, biting my skin every so often between licks and kisses. Her fingers squeezed my sides as she held me in place.

There was no noise besides our breath in the open air. Demi's fingers were clutching both of my outer thighs in either nerves or anticipation, possible both. My hands were on top of hers, reassuring, or trying to, That it was okay. That nothing was worth her fretting about. Perhaps the shaking kind of blocked my purpose. So I squeezed her hands, letting her know she doesn't have to be afraid.

With one final breath, her right hand slide out of my left and started touching me. I gasped and she immediately pulled away.

"I'm s-"

"Demi. Listen to me. It didn't hurt. I want this, okay? Good. Now for the last time, I'm going to say this. Go for it."

That's all she needed, her thumb started to rub what I assume to be my clit and increased in speed as she went. I was squirming all over the place, it felt good...and it tickled. I heard this raspy whispering but I couldn't hear it. All I heard was the word 'one'.

"What?" I asked

"What?" Demi copied

"What did you say?"

"Umm...this is going to be a messy one. You're like...really wet down here."

I laughed hysterically at her discomfort. I know how soaked I am, I'm the one sitting in it. "You're so cute."

"Shut up." She said with s smirk.

Demi went back to playing with me, both of our moans mixing together until mine overcame hers when a warm finger slipped inside me. I've never had this feeling before, and I don't know what it is, but it feels good.

"Oh my." I moaned as she started sliding her fingers in and out, bending and twisting when she felt like it. Her spare hand pressed down on my hip bone.

She giggles and gently nibbled the skin on my hip bone before licking along the curve and to my area. She lifted out her tongue and inhaled.

"I love you so much." Demi sighs

"I love-"

I couldn't finish, because she started to lick me up and down. I automatically run my hand through her hair. Her head leans back in arousal as she moans my name before returning to her activities.

"I love you." I groan.

My back arches and her left hand slides under me and supports my back as she dips her tongue into me. Pulling in and out, slowly but increasing her pace as I got louder. We were both moaning now, her gunning in and out of me and me trying not to scream too loud.

This is probably going to be a highlight of my life. I will remember this amazing woman making love to me in one of the most intimate of ways. I will remember this moment of bliss I feel I when I moan Demi's name while I orgasm loud enough for everyone to hear. I don't care right now, I don't even know where my demons are but I don't care. I love this girl, and as cheesy as it is I will shout it from the rooftops. I'll say it to the doctors tomorrow. I'll whisper it to whoever listens as I sleep, and most of all, I'll moan it out as I orgasm and let go of everything to give it to my girlfriend.

"DEMI!" I groan loudly as I she continued her work. When I ride out my high Demi comes back up and falls on me. Not on the side, not in front. She is sprawled out on top of me in exhaustion.

"I love you so fucking much" I say in her ear

"I love you too sweetheart." She replies with a smile in her voice and placing a sloppy kiss on my lips. She was just about to back away, but I capture her lips with mine again.

"No you don't understand-"

"I understand baby. Now go to sleep."

I wrap my arms around her. This may well be the last encounter I have with her without sight.and with her cheek on my chest and her nose inhaling and exhaling on my breast, I did fine sleep With her as my blanket in every way, tangled, warm, and never wanting to leave without her wrapped around me like she is now.
----------------------------------------------how'd I do? Bad? I really want to know. Vote, comment, share and follow if you like.

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Two eyes down:Friday's

Scratches, bruises, and bullet holes: Wednesday's

Labile compassion: when I can

What's never spoken: whenever/nearly every day

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