The Bold And The Beautiful

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Demi held my hand until we were in my room, only leaving to lock the door. A few seconds later, she came back and turned my body to face her. My breath was shallow and hitching all over the place yet she hasn't even touched me. This could go really badly, Demi probably knows that, but she's willing to take the risk.

I remember her promising that she'd always take the risk, as long as it was with me by her side. That statement scared me, because that's quite a promise to a girl who's never had that kind of commitment. Never even seen the one saying this, only hearing descriptions and the mesmerized gasps of people seeing her. So what I've gathered is that this beautiful and sweet goddess is about make love to me, a blind and dysfunctional girl that analyzes everything and has next to no filter.

I asked Demi once. Why she likes me. She said my personality was so strong and bold that she couldn't stay away. She tried asking me what I liked about her. My only response was how much I can't not like her. It's true too, every little thing she does is meant to benefit someone, usually it isn't even herself.

"'s okay, sweetheart. Just relax."

I take deeper breaths in attempts to control myself. I was almost calm again, letting Demi kiss me on the lips in her usual soft, slow, and patient manner, but it hitched when she ran the hand that used to be in my arm just hard enough to feel it. Her hands weren't cold, but the way they touched me was tickling. It was unlike her though, her touch was always filled with care like this one, but it was almost shy, like I could forcefully pull away at any second. I can't think enough about it to come to a conclusion because Demi takes my neck in one and and my cheek in the other before speaking.

"It's okay. It's okay, I won't hurt you, I promise. I would never ever hurt you, I hope you know that."

I do no that, that's why I do all I can not to scream when Demi's lips ever so slowly make their way down my neck. My arms are limp, frozen and confused. Demi's aren't though, slowly, I feel Demi's fingertips slide up my arm and trace my collar bone before her lips detach from my skin. Seconds later her fingers start to undo the buttons of my shirt.

The shallow breathing before is nothing compared to what it is now. My heart is on overdrive and my mind is racing. I can't just stand there, I need to show he how much I love her too. I need to prove what I'd give to her. My trust, loyalty, heart, soul, love, virginity. Everything. Then I remember what I promised Swing I would do.

I grab my wallet out of my pocket and I feel Demi's eyes on me, her fingers paused at the fourth button. Then I open it and count three credit card slots back to the laminated paper. I jerk it out, putting my wallet back in my butt pocket.

"Here," I say handing it to her.

"What is this?" She asks, taking it from me. I don't answer, I just wait for her to giggle when she reads it, but she doesn't. She doesn't laugh. She just inhales sharply.

"I want you to have it. I love you and I sure as hell know you love me too. So, take it. I don't want to give it to anyone else. I love you."

"Baby...I-I don't know what to say." She choked, but a smile was evident in her voice. Even more so in the passionate kiss I received on the lips almost immediately after.

"Don't say anything. Just love me."

In case it wasn't obvious...I gave her a legitimate V Card

So she continued, unbuttoning the rest of my shirt with her lips following her her fingers, until it was totally undone. Then she came back to my level and kissed me on the lips quickly. I was at the verge of hyperventilating, just like when I had to go on those rides at six flags. Why? Because I was afraid of heights. Maybe the reason my breathing is so off is because I'm high with Demi.

"I love you baby girl." She whispers in my ear, before taking my lobe gently into her mouth and gently nibbling on it. I couldn't stop the moan that escapes my mouth. Demi giggles at me and lightly placed her hands on both of my bare shoulders, exposed only because the undone buttons caused it to droop down a bit. I was standing still, frozen by the soft skin connecting to mine. I didn't even get the chance to kiss my girlfriend more than a few times because she keeps moving and I can't follow.

Demi's hands slowly crawl over my shoulders and down my shoulder blades, the thin cloth that one sat on my shoulders falling to the floor.

My breath hitched again and I felt Demi's nose pressed against mine, slightly raised due to our height difference. I took my chance to slowly raise my hands. I took in her smell, our breathing in sync with each other while her hands rested on my hips. I placed my hands gently on her cheeks and leaned in, kissing her as soft and slow as I can, because the most loving and romantic kisses aren't rushed in the midst of lust. They are kind, scared, patient, passionate, slow, and gentle. Because that's what love is. Love is kind, love is scary, love is patient, passionate, slow and gentle. Gentile may well be the only one that is flexible in a relationship, if anything else in the list is missing, that's not true love. But some can't see that.

Because love is blinding.
----------------------------------------------sorry, this chapter has been split in three parts. It's unbelievably long if I don't (would you prefer longer chapters and one update per week rather that two?), but love you all! Vote, comment, share and follow If you'd like to:) happy reading (and thank you for it)

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