"They're coming"/ The Castle Tour

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Demi's POV

"Why is she not waking up, you said she's wake up!" I yell at the doctor in his fancy white coat. The surgery was over over a day ago and Natalie is laying in her ICU room, the only thing showing that she's still alive is the pulse on the monitor and the beeping to go with it. Her chest is rising and falling, but it's so low and hollow its almost invisible.

"Miss Lovato, we're doing everything we can. It is believed to much anaesthesia was used. She just needs time."

I huff looking to a very exhausted and distressed Monica, who leans over her knees, rubbing her temples, in the small plus chair next to me. She hates the doctor, but I bet my collapsing composure isn't helping the situation in the slightest. I saw her when they said she was moved into a room. Like last time, it was an hour of tears and staring at the pale, frail, and seemingly aged woman that is my girlfriend.

"How much longer until she wakes up?" Monica asks, looking up and raising her eyebrows at him.

"We don't know. Could be hours, could be weeks. We could run tests but all it would give you is an estimate to something you might as well wait out."

"Well we don't want to wait! We want our friend, my girlfriend, back t-"

"Demi stop." Monica yells. She has never, ever raised her voice while I was present. When I look at her, I'm not looking at the girl who convinced me to eat and stay away from substances to pass the stretched minutes of depression and loneliness. I saw a girl with brown eyes that burned with frustration and worry, her jaw clenched as she held her vicious gaze to me and suddenly I was terrified.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered, hanging my head and sitting outside, tears streaming down my face. I told myself since this happened that I wouldn't cry. It's the least I could do for Monica, but she broke too. That bitter hatred in her eyes was the snap of the damn, and the flood gates are opening.

A few minutes later, I have my fists balled and covering my wet eyes when Dr Dalebrooks exits with his clipboard and loud footsteps. A moment later, Monica exits and I'm almost required to look. She's not glaring at me anymore. Instead she's remorseful. I stand, wiping my tears and wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled" she sobs into my shoulder. "This is just too hard."

"I know, I know momo, but things will be alright."

"No, you don't understand." She says, pausing to control her breathing, her head lifting off my shoulder so she can wipe away the tears and look me in the eyes. "They're coming."

Natalie's POV

"I've been waiting for you my dear!" Demi cheers, gleaming as she gracefully descends down the staircase.

"Hello, my queen." I say awkwardly, unsure of what to call her in this strange world.

"Oh please, call me Demi. I see you've met swing and MoMo." Demi smiles, holding me in place by my back. "Maybe you should meet the rest of the crew before we continue." Demi walks around a glass chair and shows me a black cat with gleaming green eyes. "That is Kat."

"You call your cat, cat?" I ask

"No, no, no. Kat, with a K. It's different,"

"Like Kars For Kids?." I mutter



We continue, gliding through the rooms, including a ballroom with glorious sculptures in every corner. Every time we come into another empty room, Demi will mutter a curse or a question to the MIA person quietly. I've almost given up on even pretending to care about this side factor when Demi hollers to them.

"Jen, finally, I've been looking for you everywhere!"

We we in a studio, accompanied by a glass drum set, glass mic, glass guitar and a female elf looking back at me, looking just like Kat the cat. All black except for her glowing green eyes. She scanned me, but lost interest almost immediately.

"You should know I'm most likely here By now." Jen smiles

"Well, this is the girl the hounds were picking up. Good thing too. Swing almost didn't make it back." I remember the tall giant that brought me here, he could probably do just fine out in the wild for a night, but for some reason, he was terrified.

With the last words of Demi's sentence, the expression on the elf's face quickly goes from pleased to fearful. It's like everyone here is afraid of the dark. Demi nods at the woman, their serious expressions make a conversation between the two, with eyebrow wiggles and nose scrunches, a decision is made and Demi turns to me.

"Come along now, darlin', let's have a chat in the balcony." Demi grabs my hand, guiding me through a series of hallways and stairways so complicated and filled with beauty I'd get distracted and lose her if I had no connection. I keep my feet moving in the same pattern, but I'm in another world in this glass. On the walls, there are words, I think lyrics to a selection of songs, all engraved into the almost totally clear glass. By the time I'm actually aware of my location in the castle, I'm not inside.

Im practically standing on air.
----------------------------------------------sorry, split chapter because it was so long. That was a bad ending too, oh well. Sorry I suck. But...if you did enjoy it, please vote, comment, share, and follow if you like.:) thank you!! I don't know if I want to change it to every other Friday and have long chapters or not.

Thoughts on anything?

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