The alphabet

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Demi picked me up for dinner tonight, and the first thing I did was hit her with my walking stick.

" sorry." I apologized.

" it's fine, you couldn't see me so I don't blame you. Ready?" She asked

"As much as I'll ever be."

I feel a soft hand sink into mine and lead me to a car. I feel the engine purr under us as she cruises along the San Francisco streets. It was quiet. Demi's hand never left mine. It felt good, actually, even though I had just met her, it was comforting.

"So, were you never able to see or..." Demi gently asks, letting her voice trail off.

"I would've been able to see, but something happened during birth and it messed up my eyes so they didn't match with my brain and, vuala." I say while gesturing to my eyes with my right hand.

"Oh, well, if there was one exception to not being able to see, what would you chose to be able to see?" She asked before getting out of the now parked car and opening the door for me.

"Well, I know I'm supposed to be able to say look at you but that's not true. I want to be able to open my eyes and take a picture like a camera. Five times a day, and be able to see. Then I could have a mental photo album and be able to see everyone." I say honestly.

We were seated at a table in the dinner place I suggested and our conversation was temporarily paused. This time I wanted to here about her.

"Enough about me, what about you? What goes on in your life?"

"Let's see, I'm 22. I have two sisters. I'm from Texas. And I spend my life traveling the world making music and singing it." She says with a smile in her voice. "You never told me your basics thinking about it." She implies.

"I'm 18. I have no siblings. My friends are all I have. I have no job because, once again, no eyes."

"Everything comes back to the eyes, doesn't it?" She laughs.

"Yes, too much actually." I join her in laughing. "Trust me, people take advantage of too much with sight. Don't appreciate things until they're gone."

"Is that so? What do I and my kind with functioning eyeballs take advantage of?" She says interested. I feel her lean closer to me over the table.


"Like the ones people write to announce their love to someone else?"

"No, the ones that make up the alphabet. Reading and writing. I never learned how and why certain combinations of letters change pronunciation. I never learned to read or write. I don't even know what each letter looks like. Not even numbers. All I can do is sing it and speak it. I just find it fascinating, and most people do it everyday."

The food we ordered earlier arrives and I put some pasta in my mouth, but get sauce on my face. I don't notice though, not until Demi gives a soft giggle.

"Let me get that for you." She says

Then her thumb grazes the corner of my mouth before meeting the rest of her hand under my chin.

We talk about Demi's life, my life, and the theories I have on being blind verses not until we finish and I pay. We walk down the streets silently holding hands and her leaning lightly on my side.

"We need to get deep." I state

"How so?" Demi's voice says next to me.

"What's your favorite color?"

Demi laughs loudly before telling me it's red and black.

"What's yours?" She asks

I laugh really hard. "I don't have one."

"Why n-oh right, sorry. I forgot. You seem so normal, it's hard to remember your blind."

"I like to call it, extra capable of the ears." I correct

We decide I have to get home and demi needs to rest so she gave me a ride home. After 15 minutes of driving, the car turns and stops.

"I had fun, thank you." Demi says and I hear her leather seat squeak when she turns to face me. My hand had somehow had landed in her lap.

"Me too. Maybe.. We could do it again sometime."I suggested.


We get out of the car and Demi wraps her arm around my to lead me to the door.

"So, this is goodbye then." I state slightly sad.

"I guess so." She puffs.

There's a silence and an awkward feeling in the air, neither of us wanting to officially say farewell.

I feel for her face until I find it, slightly below my height. She laughs because I accidentally grab her boob and then her nose on my quest to get to her my desired destination. Eventually, I get it. I lean forward and kiss her cheek before opening my door and turning around in the frame.

"Goodnight, miss. Lovato."


It's short, oh well. Trying to watch tv at the same time isn't speeding me up. Vote and comment, if you have any questions just ask. Read labile compassion! Bu-bye!

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