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A mansion, sitting alone in a rural area, trees hiding it from civilization. That's where I was held captive but I managed to escape, by the grace of God? I have no idea.

A long narrow dirt road leading into the dark mist, the trees kept the moon from lighting up my path. My heart raced with adrenaline and I knew that I couldn't stop. I cannot rest until I know that I am as far away from here as humanly possible.

As I began to run down the dirt road, I heard voices behind me. It was them, they figured it out, I panicked but I didn't stop running. I had small hope that I'd make it out but I still tried.

The rocks felt like knives against my feet. As I ran, I could hear footsteps behind me, they were catching up to me quickly. As I turned to look behind me, I stumbled and fell onto hands and knees.

When I tried to get back up, I was caught. "No!" I weeped as I dug my fingers into the dirt. "I have her, what do I do?" The man holding me asked.

"Restrain her, Jisung!" one of them yelled, I grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at Jisung's eyes. He screamed and let me go, I stumbled trying to stand up, I began running but I stopped in my tracks.

Hyunjin fell from the sky like an angel but he was far from an angel. He must have climbed the tree but how? He stood in front of me with a tired expression on his face, a sigh left his lips before he spoke "Stop running" he said, I could hear the annoyance in his tone.

I tried to run passed him but he grabbed me, it was like I was a cat that didn't want to be held and he was the angry owner trying to contain his rabbid pet.

"Let me go!" I screamed, he held me tightly as I kicked and screamed in his arms. "Let me go!" I sobbed, it's when I realized that he wasn't going to let me go that I finally stopped fighting. I went limp in his arms and started to catch my breath. I felt numb... everywhere.

"Are you done?" He asked.

I didn't answer him, I just stared blankly at the ground. While his friends watched everything unfold.

I'm so used to running from my problems, I never sit down and try to fix them. Metaphorically speaking, I wouldn't actually sit down I'm this situation, I would fight for my life.

I've tried fighting and nothing has worked.


I sat on the sofa staring at the blazing fire in front of me. The man who I now know is Chan, sits in front of me tending to my stab wounds.

Hyunjin stood in the corner, arms crossed, watching me with furrowed brows. He had to carry me inside because I refused to get off the ground. Now I sit here, in a puddle of my own embarrassment.

The short muscular man who I now know is Changbin sits behind me, peeking over the sofa with a bottle of alcohol in his hands. He occasionally tries to offer it to me for a numbing medicine but I refuse and decided to sit through the pain.

"Ow!" I grab Chan's hands to stop him from helping me. He stops what he's doing and looks up at me, I hunch over and cry as I squeeze his wrists. "It hurts" I whisper with my head now between my legs.

Chan sits there for a few moments watching me before pulling his wrists from my death grip. He instead grabs both of my hands and holds them reassuringly.

I look up slowly and meet his eyes, "It's okay" he said to me, my lip quivered "You're safe now" He said. I immediately cried after his words. Those words are what I've prayed for for many years now. Except I was expecting it to be from my mother and not some overwhelmingly handsome man.

"I am?" I asked.

"You are"

I sniffled and looked down "No I'm not, you're lying" I said. I let go of his hands and covered my stab wound with my bloodied gown. "Because if I was safe..." I met his eyes.

"I would not have been stabbed by a fucking maniac and still be in the same room with him" I said. Chan seemed surprised by my choice of words.

"Oh what a dirty mouth you have, Princess" Felix said, I turned to look at him as he leaned his body against the wall like Hyunjin. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to look away from him and not say something that I'd regret.

"Listen you just have to stay here for a little while and then you can be sent on your way, alright" Chan said to me.

I met Chan's charming brown eye "Why?" I asked.

"Why must I stay here, why am I safer here?" I asked.

"Because you have nineteen other assassin's looking for you and they will not stop until you are dead" Hyunjin replied.

I looked over at Hyunjin, he met my eyes "Why didn't you kill me then?" I asked him. It's almost as if he is tired of hearing that question. He dropped his arms at his sides and started to approach me. "Because you were doing it for me" he replied, I glared at him and he shared the same expression.

A silence fell in the room, I am guessing it became ro unnerving for Hyunjin because he told everyone to leave the room again. I watched him closely as he grabbed a chair from the dining table. He dragged the chair across the floor, causing a screeching sound that sent chills down my spine.

Everyone had left the room now and it was just me and him. He sat in the chair backwards and faced me. He looked me up and down before speaking.

"Why don't you want to live?" He asked me.

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I want to know" he replied.

I was quiet, I looked down at my hands and chewed at my jaw nervously. "You don't have to tell me now" He said, I looked up to meet his eyes again. There was a tinge of sadness in his eyes. "But I do want to let you know that if anyone is going to kill you it will be me" he told me.


I nodded without thinking.

"Good" He said.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now