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"Has anybody else seen you?" Lisa asked me. I had just finished talking with Hyunjin in the kitchen and I know that my visit is coming to an end and soon it will be time for me to leave.

"No" I shook my head as I took my spot beside her. We both faced the blazing bonfire in front of us. Everyone was gathered around drinking rum and laughing at eachothers silly jokes.

Nobody seemed to notice me, thankfully. I have been sticking to the shadows most of the time. Every once in a while, I will catch Felix glaring at me from across the room.

"Well, I think it's best if you say your goodbyes to everyone, we will be leaving soon" Lisa whispered, I nodded and looked down at my clasped hands. I couldn't help but feel a little upset, parting with the people who I've grown a liking to is it bit hard for me.

Lisa placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I looked up and met her eyes, she gave me a small smile "It will be alright" She said to me. She fully supports my decision to go back to the castle. She's the only one who does.

"Thank you for your support" I said to her, her smile grew and she patted me on the shoulder, she doesn't really know how to comfort others since she wasn't comforted much as a child.

I left her side and made my way back inside, I was surprised to see that nobody was acknowledging my presence. I was thankful, it was just a bit odd. On my way inside, I managed to scan my surroundings really well, that's when I noticed Felix watching me again, however, he didn't look angry, he was thinking about something. He quickly looked away from me and laughed at whatever Minho was telling him.

I made my way through the temple quietly, avoiding brushing shoulders with other people. I made my way outside to the horses, there were a few men in red cloaks outside, sitting at another bonfire.

"Bye sister" one of them said to me as I was passing them.

I felt my heart jump but I didn't look at them "Goodbye" I told them and went on my way. The twigs and leaves crunched under my feet and the sound of distant laughter and chatter could also be heard. When I finally met my horse, I didn't waste anytime getting on.

As I was about to climb up, I was pulled off and thrown to the ground. I fell onto my hands and knees, shortly after I was kicked in the stomach. I fell over onto my back, coughing for air.

I looked up to see a man in a golden cloak "I knew you were not dead, there was never a body" he said before, he listened foot and was about to crush my face.

I turned my head and shielded my face with my hands. I braced for impact but there wasn't one, only the spine chilling sound of his neck snapping could be heard. He fell to the ground beside me, lifeless.

Behind him stood Felix.

I was very surprised to see him, I surprised that he saved me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the ground, almost pulling my arm out of its socket. My chest bumped into his, our faces almost touching.

"Go" He said before letting go of my hand.

My eyes darted from his dark orbs to his lips multiple times. His eyes did the same "Go, you need to leave" he said calmly. I gulped and turned around to get on my horse. He turned around to see if anyone could see me but no one was in sight.

I turned my horse and looked down at Felix, he met my eyes. "Thank you" I said to him. He looked down at my horse then back at me.

"If anyone is going to kill you, it will be me" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the horses reins. My horse took off into the dark forest, the only light I had was the lantern attached to the saddle. I grabbed it and held it in front of me.

Thankfully there was a trail that led to the main road, I wouldn't be pushing through trees and spiderwebs. Howling could be heard in the distance as I made it further down the trail.

Damn, I hope I do not have to deal with wolves right now. Making my way further down the trail, I noticed nearby lights, probably from another base. I ignored it and continued down the trail.

"Wait up!" I gasped and turned my head around to see Hyunjin on his horse, following him. It was not just him, it was his brothers as well. I turned back around and shook my head.

These men are fucking crazy

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now