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"Well that was fun" Jungkook said clasping his hands at his stomach. I was still shaking from the previous events. Sitting beside me was a very exhausted Changbin.

Changbin doesn't usually speak to me, he doesn't particularly like me that much. But something today brought everyone together.

Hyunjin and his brothers went against their own to protect me. But they weren't the only ones to protect me, the red members went against their own as well. Men that they had grown up with through the harsh conditions that Jin-young had put them through.

"I thought you were all on Jin-young's side" Hyunjin said while cleaning the busted lip that Taehyung had given him.

"We never change sides, brother" Hoseok said, placing his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. I looked up at them, admiring the bond that all of these men had together.

They were just children, torn from their families, some brutally injured in the process. They went through years of harsh training and abuse to get to where they are now.

But what for?

Jin-young is still out there, gathering more children every ten years, training them to be killing machines.

The amount of beatings that Felix and Hyunjin endured today was outrageous. Yet somehow they are acting like nothing happened. They don't seem to be in pain, their physical appearance however, is a different story.

I look over at Felix who is sitting alone at the fireplace. He already has his eyes on me, he doesn't look away immediately, his eyes linger on me for a few moments.

"Are you alright?" Changbin awkwardly asked me.

My teeth were chattering and my whole body was stiff, I wasn't cold but I still shivered. It drew tears to my eyes hearing him ask me that. I shook my head and looked down.

"What is it?" He asked me.

I was quiet, I stared at the floor for quite some time before finally answering. I sniffled and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Annie" I replied.

"Oh she's fine" He said, je turned his head and pointed to over at Minho and Jisung. I looked over there and saw her chatting with Minho and Jisung, she had a blanket over her shoulders, she looked traumatized. She lost friends and family today, I can't imagine what she is going through.

I felt relieved knowing that she was still alive and okay.

"Oh thank god"

Changbin sighed and got up from the floor, leaving me alone. I sat there for a few moments, occasionally looking over at the others, watching them laugh and reminisce on childhood memories.

I felt someone sit beside me, I turned to see who it was and was relieved to see Hyunjin. He let out a groan as he sat down, I looked down at his bloodied hand. He had broken it while fighting.

"Oh no, are you alright?" I asked him, I reached for his hand but stopped myself. "I'm fine, I've felt worse" he told me, I frowned at his words. Thinking about Hyunjin being in pain hurts me.

He turned and met my eyes, we sat there for a few moments looking at eachother intently. "I'm terribly sorry that I couldn't do better to protect you" he said to me

"Hey" I placed my hand on his thigh, I felt him stiffen. That's when I realized my hand was a little too close to his groin. I removed my hand quickly "I'm sorry" I said, looking down.

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked me.

I met his eyes again "You did what you could do" I reassured him. His eyes never left mine, I felt nervous under his stare, I found myself looking away every few seconds. "Jungkook was taking his damn time helping us" Hyunjin said with an angry tone.

"Hyunjin" I said.

He averted his gaze from Jungkook and met my eyes again. "It's alright" I told him, I smiled and reassured him once again.

"You need to stop thinking about it"

"I can't help it"

"Well try"

He shook his head and scoffed.

"Do you have an attitude?" I asked him.

He turned to face me again "No I do not" he replied. I narrowed my eyes at him "Liar" I said, he rolled his eyes and looked away from me. I looked down at his hand, I hesitated before grabbing it.

He didn't say anything as I interlocked our fingers. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, holding onto his hand with both of my hands. I closed my eyes and tried to rest.

《Narrator's POV》

"Now I see why he didn't kill her" Jimin said. Felix didn't say anything, he watched from afar as Hyunjin sat nervously with Minyoung falling asleep on his shoulder.

Jimin looked down at Felix "What has you in such a mood?" He asked Felix. Felix averted his gaze and met Jimin's concerned eyes. "Nothing" Felix replied.

"Oh" it was as if a light bulb went off in Jimin's head. "You're jealous" Jimin guessed. Felix had this defensive look on his face "What the fuck are you on about, I like nothing about that girl, so get it outta your head" Felix told Jimin.

"mmhmm" Jimin replied with a smirk on his face.

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