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When I arrived at the castle, I was met by my aunt, she was overjoyed by my presence. She was called to rule over the castle since the passing of my mother and father happened.

Clearly her and her husband couldn't survive under the weight that the royal crown brought. They did not hesitate stepping down from the thrown and giving it to me.

Hyunjin and his brothers decided to follow me back to my home, what I didn't think about was how the guards would react. When we arrived to the castle, the guards screamed and prepared for a fight, their guns aimed at our heads. Thankfully a few of the guards recognized me, guards that I had grown up with.

We arrived during the night so there were no witnesses, just my aunt and her husband and the staff of the castle. Hyunjin and his brothers were given their own bedrooms, bigger bedrooms than they have ever had before.

They were all ecstatic, Minho, and Felix didn't really seem as happy as everyone else. Maybe because they are the scrooges in the family.

Word is getting around that I am still alive. I am starting to notice how worried everyone is about my safety now. It is sad seeing everyone tired, unable to sleep because they are afraid of what is going to happen to me.

Even the people who wanted me dead just a few months prior... are staying up many nights in a row... just to ensure my safety.

Close family members have recommended that I stay inside during this time and make orders behind the scenes. As much as I dislike being held hostage on a room again, I have no choice... I have to make sure that not only I'm safe but so is my country.

Instead of having the guards guard my room, I have Hyunjin and Felix. Mostly because Hyunjin wanted to spend time with his brother, they haven't been on good terms lately.

I just find it quite odd that the man who tried to kill me is now protecting me from the people who are trying to kill me. He did tell me that if anyone was going to kill me, it was going to be him.

I don't know if I should be scared or relieved.

"Thank you Annie, I really needed that" I told her as I dried my soaked hair, I sat on the edge of the tub, staring at my deadly reflection. I somehow look alive now, maybe gaining some confidence and taking better care of myself helped.

"I know, a nice warm bath is a massive stress reliever" She replied.

I laughed "You do not know how long I have yearned for a nice warm bath, I have been bathing in ice cold rivers for the past four months" I said to her.

I could see her smile fade, she sat on the edge of the tub as well. She placed her hand on my shoulder, I looked over my shoulder and met her eyes. The comfort that I felt from her, brought immediate tears to my eyes.

Maybe it was the attention deprived child in me, I don't know but I practically jumped in Annie's arms. She didn't mind, she knew that I need the reassurance.

We sat there for a few moments in silence as I cried in her shoulder. "It's alright Minyoung" she said to me.

I sniffled and pulled away from her slowly. "You should get some rest" she told me, patting me on the shoulder. I nodded and looked down at the checkered bathroom floor, my vision blurred due to the tears falling from my eyes.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now