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I was pulled out of my sleep when I felt two hands wrap around my neck. I opened my eyes to the pitch blackness of my room. Only the silhouette of the man could be seen. I tried prying his hands off of my neck but failed to.

So I began clawing at his face, he didn't flinch. I could feel myself growing lightheaded, I knew that I had to act fast.

I gripped his hair and rolled both of us over into the floor. Our bodies hit the floor with a loud thud. He had hit his head on the bookshelf and was dazed. I rolled over onto my hands and knees and began crawling to my bedroom door.

There was only mere inches between me and the door but before I could even reach it, he pulled me by my ankles, dragging me back towards him.

"Help!" I screamed.

He rolled me over onto my back and threw his fist at my face. I gasped for air, he tried hitting me again but I stopped him with my knee between his legs. He groaned and I finally was able to run, I tried twisting the handle but he had locked it.

By the time I had unlocked it, he had me by my hair. I turned around and began fighting as hard as I could with the little strength that I had. I pushed him against the bookshelf, books began to fall off the shelf and onto his head but it didn't faze him.

How is he still going?

How am I still going?

He then pushed me against the bookshelf, knocking the air out of me. I didn't let it faze me. I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him out my bedroom window, taking me with him.

We both hit the blanket of snow, and began sliding down the hill, thats when we got separated. I screamed and tried grabbing onto anything that would stop me from sliding but everything I tried grabbing wasn't attached to the ground.

I glanced over at the man who was rolling down the hill. I was now able to see who the man was.


Anger fueled me and I couldn't help but want to strangle him once I got my hands on him.

He seemed to have control of the slippery slope, he was able to stop himself by grabbing a tree stump. I looked up at him as I slid down the hill and into the ice cold river. He didn't even try to save me, he knew that he had won.

I fell into the river, I gasped, it felt like a thousand knives as the cold water hit my skin. The current pushed me down the river, down the waterfall and deeper down the stream until I couldn't see the cabin anymore.

This is where I die...

I could never live up to the expectations that my mother and father had of me. I fell unconscious and embraced the darkness that swallowed me.


"Is she alive?"

"I don't know, Rose"

All I could do was open my eyes, the rest of my body felt paralyzed. Three beautiful women stood over me, looking down at me with concern. They all wore purple cloaks. Am I in heaven, are they angels?

"Am I dead?" I croaked.

"No, you are alive, thank god" one of the beautiful women replied. I felt so disappointed that my body even fought to stay alive. I'm not meant to be alive, I was supposed to die a long time ago.

"No, there's no thanking anyone, this bitch is supposed to be dead" another woman appeared behind them.

"Who do you think you are impressing, Lisa?" One of them asked.

Tears sprung to my eyes as my body began to relive the moments from last night. "There is a bounty on this woman, she is supposed to be dead, Jisoo, can you not see that?" Lisa asked.

"Felix" I said.

"Hmm?" Lisa leaned closer to me.

"Felix did this?" Lisa asked me.

I managed to nod through the overwhelming pain in my head. "Well good, he was doing his fucking job" Lisa spat in my face.

"Lisa!" Rose and Jisoo both said in unison.

The other woman who was sitting by my frozen body stood up. She shoved Lisa, "She is scared Lisa, put yourself in her shoes and think about the shit she is going through right now" She told her.

Lisa threw her hands up "I'm done" she said. She glanced over at me and then back at the woman in front of her.

"Go ahead and help her, we'll have Jin-young on our asses in no time" Lisa said before leaving the room, she slammed the door behind her.

My eyes explored my surroundings, as I laid there on the floor in front of the blazing fireplace. The place looked similar to what Hyunjin and his group were living in but this place is much cleaner.

"Listen, we are going to get you cleaned up, we will have you a nice meal and some medicine before nightfall, alright" Jisoo said to me.

I met her eyes and nodded, tears still falling down my face. "Don't worry, you will be okay" she reassured me.

"Thank you" I told her, she gave me a small smile and pushed the wet strands of hair behind my ear.

"Of course" She said.

Maybe I'm not dead after all

Is this my second chance?

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now