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"Jin-young has generations and generations of assassin's, we will outnumbered" Namjoon said.

Hyunjin was quiet, I worried what he what he might be thinking about. I'm worried that he is stressing himself. I never knew that Hyunjin and his group weren't the only ones planning on Jin-young's downfall.

Lisa already informed me that she has put multiple hex's on him. She and her sisters decided to visit the castle, well... more like move in like everyone else.

Jungkook knows that Jin-young has most likely already burned his base down. So Jungkook and his brothers have nowhere to go, I've offered them a place to stay, there is more than enough room.

Well, a few people have to share rooms since Lisa and her sisters insist on staying. I turned to face the girls, I felt emotional, sitting with them at the table. Everything that they have done for me and sacrificed.

Everyone in this castle has sacrificed for me. I cannot thank them enough for their compassion.

"You all have been so generous to me" I said to the girls. They stopped talking and turned to me. "Everything you've done for me, I cannot thank you enough" I told them. Their faces softened at my words, I was teary eyed trying to continue but I couldn't, I choked on my own words and looked down at the floor in embarrassment.

"Aww" Rose said, they all crawled over to me and wrapped in a warm hug. "You're our sister now, Minyoung" Jisoo said, I bit my lip as more tears spilled from my eyes.

We sat their embracing eachother for a few precious moments before finally letting go. Rose rubbed my back as I dried the tears from my face.

"Has Hyunjin asked for your hand yet?" Jennie popped the question.

My heart jumped at the question "We are not together Jennie" I informed her. Jennie eyed me suspiciously. "Oh really?" Lisa asked me, I nodded.

"We were informed by one of your staff  that you were caught smooching in the garden" Lisa explained.

My eyes widened.

That means everyone knows.

"Oh no, people are going to think that I am a whore" I said before covering my face. They all frowned at the derogatory word. "I really doubt that the rumor has left castle grounds" Lisa said.

"But did you?" Rose asked.

"Did I what?"

"Did you kiss?" She asked.

I thought back to the moment "I went to kiss him but he pulled back and that was that" I explained. Jennie narrowed her eyes, she didn't seem very happy about the story.

"So he's playing hard to get?" Jennie asked me.

"I guess you could say that" I replied. She shook her hand in disbelief, she glanced behind her at Hyunjin and the others. Everyone was sat at the dining table, making plans to take down Jin-young while me and the girls sat on the livingroom floor drinking wine.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now