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A wonderful, beautiful night can be turned into chaos in just the span of two minutes. I had planned two weeks for this important event, it meant a lot to me, knowing that I would be helping my community.

Now everything I planned for lies beneath.

Gunshots and screams fill the castle, I am overwhelmed and cannot find the the strength to move. I sit there on my knees in the midst of the chaos, watching all of my friends and family rush to protect as much people as they can.

I watch as Minho rushes to save the children that stand in the line of fire. And I watch as Jisung and Changbin struggle to defeat the four men trying to take them down. I have lost sight of Hyunjin, Chan, Felix, Jeongin and Seungmin.

I felt a wave of heat hit my back, I turn around, only to see my home burning. All my childhood memories burning.

Hyunjin was right, I should have never had this masquerade.

The ceiling collapses behind me as a man begins to charge at me. I sit there preparing for the impact. Before he could make it to me with his blazing torch, an arrow went right between his eyes.

Felix ran over to me "Minyoung we have to go" He said to me, I was frozen in place, I watched as everyone began running out of the castle, everything collapsing behind them.

Felix pulled me up from the ground and practically dragged me out of the burning castle. I had no choice but to follow him. We dodged the bullets and avoided attention from the attackers.

Jin-young had sent his soldiers, these soldiers used to be assassin's but since they are all in their thirties and fifties most of them retired from their assassin duties.

I just wonder why everyone wants me dead so badly.

I look behind me, my home burns to the ground, the screams burning with it. I tear my eyes from the scene and focus on what is in front of me.


Felix checks the windows, his bow in hand. I watch as he closes every curtain after checking every window. "I don't think anyone followed us" I told him.

"You don't know that" he said whilst still checking everything. We ran to the city, only to see Jin-young's men had ambushed it as well.

He has torn my country into pieces, and now I must suffer the consequences. "You should have killed me the first night I had stayed with you and your brothers" I said to him.

"Do not start this shit, Minyoung" he said, stopping to turn to me. He looked angry, I decided not to test his patience anymore, I kept my mouth shut.

After checking every window and locking every door. Felix finally sat down across from me. His back leaned against the half demolished counter. He sets his bow on the floor and looks over at me.

I quickly look down, I feel myself start to panic over Hyunjin and his brothers safety. "I have to go find them" I tried got up from the floor and approached the front door. Felix made it there before me, he blocked the door, not letting me leave.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now