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"You know I believe you all shouldn't resign from your assassination duties" I said, I gazed at everyone in the room with me. I sat at my father's desk, a king should be sitting her but I have yet to marry one. "It is quite a skill to have" I said to them.

"So why did you ask for us?" Felix asked. I looked up at them, Hyunjin watched me with his head tilted to the side. Nineteen assassin's... all of them standing in the room with me. I didn't know if I should feel afraid or protected. I tried my best not to think about it.

"I want to stop you all from killing innocents" I closed the book in front of me and clasped my hands. "Instead you may kill the criminals that litter the city streets" I said.

"Don't you believe they deserve punishment?" Felix asked.

"Do with them with what you please" I replied. I looked down and sighed "God forbid we turn out like America" I said shaking my head.

Jennie cringed at the name.

"I'm guessing you are not that fond of America" Jungkook said.

"How America came to be is absolutely horrible and I believe every person who participated in making America happen should be punished" I said with so much hate from my heart. "So many kind people die, fighting for a country that isn't even their's" I said.

I sighed once more before looking up to meet their determined eyes. "I will be throwing a ball, to raise money, for the children in need" I started.

"Are you going mad?" Hyunjin asked me, I turned to him and met his eyes. "What ever do you mean?" I asked him.

"A ball could get you killed" he said.

"I highly doubt that, I mean I have nineteen highly trained assassin's by my side" I said, "I'm not as highly trained as you all are but if it comes down to me having to defend myself, I will not stand down" I said.

Hyunjin shook his head, I watched as he pinched the bridge of his nose I'm frustration.

"I am doing this so I can keep my spot as queen, it will make me seem worthy" I explained "Trust me, I do not want a ball either but it will have to be done" I said.

"Shall we do a masquerade?" Jimin asked.

I furrowed my eyes as I turned to Jimin "If we wear masks then no one shall recognize us if Jin-young were ever to invade" he said. I took a second to think over his suggestion.

"I think that is a wonderful idea" Jennie said.

A silence fell in the room, everyone waited for me to say something, agree to something.

"We shall put flyers around the city, hopefully word gets out that we are throwing a ball, we will lure Jin-young right into our trap" I said.

Hyunjin scoffed before leaving the room in a hurry. "I object" Felix said, I huffed and turned to him. "Jin-young is very dangerous and he is armed with guns and soldiers much stronger than we are" he informed me.

"Then we shall train" I said.

"This meeting is dismissed" I said before getting uo from my chair. Everyone looked defeated.


"Hyunjin!" I chased him out into the garden. He was still infuriated about my idea. "Hyunjin!" I shouted again, he turned around with his familiar angered expression.

"What?!" He asked.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked me.

"You make these impulsive decisions without considering others feelings" Hyunjin said, I approached him and reached for his hand but he pulled away.

I looked down at my hand and then back up at him. He met my eyes "People will die, Minyoung, not just Jin-young's soldiers, it will also be our people" he said.

"What am I supposed to do then?" I asked him. "Wait around for him to send more soldiers and potentially slaughter all of us in our sleep, we were pretty damn lucky that night, Hyunjin" I said.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye. "I do not want to lose anyone else, Minyoung" he said.

"Alright" I said.

He furrowed his eyes "Alright?" He asked, confused by my reply. "We shall keep the ball a secret and only invite those highest in society" I said. I reached for his hand again, he didn't pull away this time.

"Thank you" he said.

"Of course" I replied softly, Hyunjin scanned his surroundings quickly, checking for anyone around. When he saw no one, he grabbed my other hand. I watched as he interlocked our fingers, he brought my hands to his chest.

I felt his heart beating quickly "I cannot lose you, Minyoung, I just... I simply cannot" he said.

My eyes darted from our hands to his eyes. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I embraced him, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and hold me close to him.


I look over my shoulder at Hyunjin, he sleeps soundly with his head tucked between the pillows. I lean down and kiss him on the forehead.

He groans and rolls over in his sleep, "Hyunjin" I said. He didn't answer so I said his name again "Hyunjin" He mumbled incoherent words that I couldn't understand.


"What?" He asked.

"You have to get up"


"Because today is my birthday" I replied, his head shot up, he tried to open his eyes but they were practically glued shut. "What?" He asked hin disbelief.

"Please get up" I begged him, he sighed and rubbed his eyes. He reached over and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. I fell on my back as he got on top of me.

I laughed "I shall give you twenty two kisses" he said. "Oh lord" I said right before he started placing kisses all over my face. I laughed and tried to hide my face but he kept pulling my hands away from my face. "Stop I'm ticklish" I said while laughing.

On his 22nd kiss, he kissed me on the lips. "Shall we celebrate" he said as he straddled me.

"I cannot" I said, he frowned "Why not?" He asked me. "I'm bleeding" I replied. He frowned and sighed "I should be glad" he said, rolling off of me and onto the bed beside me. I laughed and hopped up from the bed.

I looked back over my shoulder "I love you" I said.

"Liar" he said before closing his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and left my room with a huge smile on my face.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now