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Felix stood there, leaned against Minyoung's bedroom door, cigarette between his lips and dried blood on his face.

Jisung emerged from his room, his hair a disheveled mess and his eyes barely open. He looked over at his brother who was smugly smoking a cigarette and frowned. "What did you do?" Jisung asked Felix.

"I took care of some business" Felix replied. Jisung pushed passed Felix and into Minyoung's bedroom, he panicked as he looked at the crime scene in front of him. "Shit" he muttered under his breath, he pulled at the strands of his hair as he worried what Hyunjin would do.

Felix watched Jisung run out of Minyoung's room in a panic. "What did you do to her, Felix" Jisung asked.

"Why do you care?" Felix asked Jisung.

"Because your ass is about to be grass, Felix!" Jisung said. Felix rolled his eyes and removed himself from the doorway, Jisung clenched his jaw as he watched Felix walk outside. At that moment, Hyunjin stepped out of his bedroom, rubbing his tired eyes.

Hyunjin looked up, meeting eyes with Jisung "Is everything alright?" Hyunjin asked Jisung.

"Uh" Jisung gulped and ran his hand through his hair.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Hyunjin laughed.

"Felix killed Minyoung" Jisung blurted, Jisung felt a weight lift off his shoulders after telling Hyunjin this information but by the expression on Hyunjin's face, he could tell that something very bad was about to happen.

Hyunjin's face fell, his face was unreadable to Jisung. All Hyunjin did was silently walk past Jisung and head outside.

"Shit" Jisung said again.

Jisung ran outside, only to see Hyunjin throwing a very aggressive punch at Felix's face.

"You fucking idiot!" Hyunjin yelled.

Felix staggered and fell on the ground, he wiped the blood dripping from his nose and looked up at his brother. "I was only doing your job" Felix told his brother.

Hyunjin was fuming, pacing back and forth, Felix watched his brother closely.

"You liked her, didn't you?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin didn't answer, he threw his fist at a nearby tree, leaving a massive dent in the bark. He left Felix to prevent himself from killing his brother.


3 months later

"You look great" Rose said.

I looked in the mirror at my reflection, the purple cloak fit me nicely but I just felt like it wasn't my color. I sighed and turned around to face Rose and Jennie.

"Are you sure they won't raise questions?" I asked them, Jennie met eyes with Rose before answering. "If anything, they will only think that we were given another partner by Jin-young" Jennie replied.

I gulped and turned to face the mirror again.

After having to recover from the fight that I had with Felix, where he tried to kill me, Jisoo and her sisters have been strictly training me for two months now. At first I thought I was going to die with the rough way they were training me but they were only preparing me for the danger that is ahead of me.

I feel stronger and more powerful than I have ever felt before.

I am thankful for the gratitude and kindness that Jisoo and her sisters have shown me. They looked past my situation and still helped me. At the beginning, Lisa hated my guts and wanted me dead like everyone else. Now we have learned to get along, we are somewhat equals when it comes to our past.

Today is a special feast, apparently we are having dinner with all the groups at some temple in the forest. I am not excited, I am scared to say the least.

Lisa and Jisoo stepped in the room, dressed in their cloaks. I turned and met eyes with Lisa, she looked serious, more serious than I have ever seen her before. "Ready?" She asked me, I took a deep breath in and nodded. "You gotta keep your head down and do not say shit to anyone, got it?" Lisa told me.

I nodded in response.

"Good" She said.

"Now let's go"

Rose excitedly took my hand with an ear to ear smile on her face. I couldn't help but mirror her expression, her smile was so contagious. "Please don't get attached me" I begged her.

Her face fell as she met my eyes "What do you mean?" She asked me.

"I'm not going to be here forever, I have to go back to my home and take place as queen" I replied.

Her eyes widened slightly and all of sudden she was worried for me. "If you go back, Jin-young will know that you were not assassinated like you were supposed to be" She reminded me.

"I do not give a shit about what Jin-young thinks, he's just a man sitting behind thirty minions that he tortured to create" I replied.

"True but you can't leave, you can't risk the danger, not all of us are on your side" She informed me.

"There is still the red group and the golden group" She added.

I nodded and looked down "I know but it's a risk that I'm willing to take" I looked up and met her eyes again. "Korea is falling because my uneducated cousin was given the role as king" I told her.

She just stared at me, I could tell that she very much did not like my plan. "I need... to protect... my people" I said.

"I understand" She said, I watched as she put her head down, we walked to our horses in silence. After I had hopped on my horse, I could here Rose mumble something to me, so only I could hear her.

"May god be with you"

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now