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Staying in the comfort of my room has helped me. No one has made efforts to check in me or invade my space but it's okay, I like being alone... I think.

I have been looking out my window for what seems like forever, the rain drops trickling down the window sill just fascinates me, I always wonder which droplet makes it to the end faster.

Suddenly I begin to feel deja vu like I had been here before. I looked over at my balcony and sighed, I furrowed my eyes in thought. Thinking about the first time that I had met Hyunjin and how his reckless decisions would lead us to where we are now.

Without him I would be dead, I should be thankful for everything that he has done but I can't seem to shake this feeling. I feel like it would have been better for me to die.

Since I am still alive, I'm not the only one in danger now, everyone protecting me and making efforts to keep me alive are in danger as well.

If you asked me a few months ago how I viewed life. I would respond with "I really do not see a reason for living" but if you ask me now, I would definitely have a different answer.

I feel like I have something to live for, like I have something to fight for.

A tear ran down my cheek as I recalled the memories that I had living with Hyunjin and his brothers. They all have a sole purpose in my life even if they do not see it that way.

Do I regret meeting Hyunjin?

I honestly don't know.

Looking down I thought more and more about the subject but I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

I found myself practically running over to the door. A part of me was hoping to see Chan, he has been bringing me pastries from the kitchen.

When I opened my door there was no one, I looked down to see a crushed pastry on the floor like someone had dropped it and stepped on it. I looked to my left only to be hit in the head by the back of a gun.

I fell to the ground, my vision blurred and no matter how hard I tried to stay conscious I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and opened them, I was tied up in a fetal position on the floor. I could see Jeongin on his knees with his hands tied behind his back. Tears streamed down his face.

Everyone was tied up, they were placed in a circle and I was in the middle. Felix, Hyunjin, Minho and Jisung all made efforts to move and do something but they were put to a stop with a punch to the face.

I could see the golden cloaks, not just the golden cloaks, the red cloaks as well.

A man in a red cloak walked over to me, he bent down to my level. I looked up, the man looked familiar, I had seen him at the temple. He introduced himself as Jimin, I could never forget his face.

He reached to pull the gag from my mouth, I flinched and he flinched "Sorry" he whispered before pulling the gag from my mouth. The boys tried to move and get to me but they were stopped again. Jimin didn't do anything to harm me but from their point of view Jimin didn't exactly look harmless.

The Assassin [Hwang Hyunjin]Where stories live. Discover now