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"You didn't even come out with your hair ruffled or even a few red marks down your chest, what the fuck happened?" Felix asked Hyunjin.

Hyunjin huffed and set his glass of rum on the counter roughly as he sat down. Everyone was huddled in the kitchen except for Chan and Jeongin, they were busy taking watch at Minyoung's room.

"Is that all you care about Felix?" Hyunjin asked his brother "Sex, sex, sex" Hyunjin threw his hands in the air, exaggerating his words.

Minho laughed and took a swig of his drink.

Felix looked over at Minho and narrowed his eyes "What are you laughing about?" Felix asked him. Minho shrugged and glanced at Hyunjin. "I haven't seen you bring a mistress home since you were sixteen" Felix said.

"Who says it's women?" Minho asked as he placed his hand on Jisung's thigh.

Jisung slapped Minho's hand off and covered his face in embarrassment. "Love that for you, Hyung" Seungmin said.

Felix rolled his eyes and faced Hyunjin again. "But really, she didn't even try to do anything exciting?" Felix asked. Hyunjin stared blankly at his brother, irritated by his invasive questions.

"Why are you so interested?" Hyunjin asked, he grabbed the full glass of wine sitting beside Felix "I mean, you are the one who tried to kill her" Hyunjin said before taking a quick swig.

Felix rolled his eyes at Hyunjin and turned away from him. "You ask too many damn questions" Hyunjin said.



I woke up with my hand between my legs. My heart raced and I found myself yearning for someone's touch. Maybe it is natural to feel this way when I'm in a castle full of very handsome men who are all taking time off of their day to protect me.

With a huff.. I rise up into a sitting position and look at the fire burning in front of me. I turned and stepped down onto the cold floor.

I approached my bedroom door and opened it, I was welcomed with Jeongin and Chan. They were playing a board game right outside of my bedroom. They looked up at me, they both looked so exhausted. "Hi" Chan said to me.

"It's four am, what are you both doing up?" I asked them.

"Somebody has to keep watch" Jeongin replied.

I felt bad that they had to stay up and guard my bedroom door against their will. "I am sorry that you both have to do this" I said them.

"We volunteered, it's alright" Chan said.

"It was either protect you or sit downstairs and get drunk with the delinquents" Jeongin said, Chan slapped Jeongin's hand like an angry mother.

I laughed "Sorry" Jeongin said to Chan.

I left their space and made my way downstairs to the living area. "It is so fucking sad" I entered the livingroom to see Jisung staring at the family portrait. I wonder why he thinks my family is sad, at that moment I remembered when Hyunjin came clean about him visiting the castle a few years ago with his brothers.

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