Chapter 23 ✂ Death Threat

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Jefferson's scent lingered upon you when you woke up in the afternoon. The aroma made you feel close with the man you loved. When you stirred within the covers you were aware of the fact you were absolutely naked. Though, that didn't bother you. Grace was in the village playing with the town's children and promised to be back by dark. You were sure you wouldn't have visitors during mid-hours. You stretched till your limbs were loosened from exhaustion and smiled to yourself. You glanced over your shoulder to find Jefferson's spot in bed unfilled.

It disappointed you, but at the sight of the small note on the pillow made you smirk lightly. You loved it when he left notes, which was not out of the ordinary. They were heartwarming in every word, every sentence. He knew you hate being left alone, but when time pulls you apart, he enjoyed writing notes to keep you feel accompanied.

The note read:

My dearest (Y/N),

You were sound asleep and seemed sore from the day before. I decided it would be best to not wake you up. I'm heading into the town to fetch some food for dinner. I'll come back by dark with Grace. Sleep well.



You crooked a grin, tossing your legs over the bed. You heaved a sigh and glanced out the window, noticing the sun was setting into the horizon. Knowing that the day was coming to an end you decided it was best you got dressed before Grace or Jefferson knocked on the door. You shuffled through the house, brushing your hair over your shoulder and stroking its length. Days like this don't usual come. You alone in a quiet house, it felt like a memory of your lifestyle in the mountaintops. You barely saw Rumple or Baelfire and when you did encounter them, it was far from a comfortable conversation. Baelfire was okay with your decision of living with Jefferson while Rumple completely disagreed with it. He was the ideal overprotective father, even if he is the cold hearted Dark One.

You moved swiftly through the house, grabbing a corset, a blouse, pants, boots and a brush. You felt like you were dancing to a hidden music but suddenly, something caught you off guard. There was an troubling presence in the house. It made your stomach convulse. Hearing the shuffling of feet, you snapped a glare behind you. The sun was darkening within the house yet you felt a being darker than that lurking within the shadow. You were used to your father's surprising visits but this was abnormal and unyielding.

You held your breath to hear closer to the sounds humming inside the house. There wasn't a single noise to hear. You chewed the inside of your mouth dismissing the thought from your head. You folded the covers on your bed and headed towards the kitchen to fetch whatever you could hastily eat.

Then again, you felt something sweep past your bare back. You jerked back, shooting a glare behind you. There was nothing.
You leisurely edged towards your clothes, rummaging through the belongings to finally grab a hold of your pocket knife. The blade glimmered in the soft remaining light from the windows. You went towards your clothes and hurriedly put your blouse on before you got that stomach-churning feeling of being watched again.

All of a sudden, a concrete hand clutched the back of your neck, forcing your face against the wall. You felt the air from your lungs slip away effortlessly. "W-Who are you?" You grunted, attempting to shove away the person.

"I believe you and my close companion have an edgy history," he muttered, a voice unfamiliar it had shaken you. "Make things right with him and you might just live another day to see your family again."

Then -something struck you.

It was skull shattering from the force of the blow, but you managed to live through it- partially. You vision went blank not a second later but you did see something as your eyes fluttered shut. A parchment drifted gracefully onto the floor, and with the last of your drained energy, you curled your fingers gently upon it.

Everything went black.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Damn it, wake up!" Someone shook your furiously. You finally gained consciousness, your head dripping with the raw color of blood. You squinted into the light, your eyes finally adjusting to the blinding light.

"J-Jefferson?" You groaned.

"Yes, yes it's me. What on earth happened to you?" He asked, his voice drenched in concern.

You didn't know whether it was the pain sprouting through you or whether it was the sight of your love one, but you broke into hot tears. The man, sensing the vulnerable state you were in, hauled you into his chest and brushed strands of hair out of your face, "Shh, it's okay, I'm here now. I won't let anything hurt you again.

"Oh god, Jefferson. I was so afraid. I thought I would be dead by now."

"What exactly happened here? The house is a mess!" He remarked, briefly glancing around the room.

"There was this- this boy- heaven knows what happened for majority of the time, but he threatened me to make things better with his-companion."

"Who is his companion?" Jefferson furrowed his brows, staring firmly at you.

"I'm not sure," Your voice trailed as your eyes fell upon the parchment. You held it through the hours of darkness, yet it gave no comfort to you. You rolled it open and your eyes tracked the words, gradually drenching into you.

Jefferson had never seen you so- scared and feeble before. For once he truly believed you were an individual with fears of your own, not just the Dark One's daughter. The way your eyes became stern, the way your lips quivered, the way your hands trembled all hinted at the wrong idea. Jefferson felt a cold shiver up his spine when your eyes finally met his blue orbs. "Is something the matter?" He asked, his voice wavering from a sense of dread.

"You said you would bring Grace home- where is she?" You asked with a rigid tone.

Jefferson looked absolutely startled for a moment, "You mean- she didn't- come home?"

"What!" You exclaimed. "Where is she?"

"I don't know! The villagers said she left hours ago, I assumed she was here before I arrived."

"Well she's not." You glanced down at your feet, "But I think I have a good idea of who has her."

"Who?" Jefferson's tone became murderous. You leisurely looked up at the man, your eyebrows knitted into an enraged glare.

"The Evil Queen..."

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