Chapter 25 ✂ Found You

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"Apparently they know exactly who has her."

"How could they be so certain?"

"I'm not sure but Mr. Gold somehow convinced me." Emma scowled.

"Well- he has a way with manipulating people." You sighed, leisurely putting your seatbelt on.

"So is Jefferson." Emma muttered inaudibly.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing." She replied sternly, focus-fully staring out the window.

"No. I want to know what you said." You snapped suddenly. The blond woman glanced at you briefly, slightly surprised at your remark.

"Let me ask you something." She mumbled, avoiding your unyielding gaze, "Do you think- Jefferson might take Paige away?"

You froze in your spot, feeling yourself shudder, "I have all the legal documents-"

"And so did Regina."

"What do you mean?"

"Listen, (Y/N). Blood sometimes is a magnet. When Henry found out his biological mother existed, he came back to me."

"So- what are you trying to say?"

"You know by now. I've told you repeatedly that Jefferson isn't the man he acts as. He's crazy and dangerous. If you even give the slightest hint to Paige that Jefferson is her father, and she goes to him- who knows how long she'll be sa-"

"Emma stop." You said abruptly. "I've had enough of your lectures. They're useless. It's my duty to tell Paige the truth."

Emma paused and glanced at you. She heaved a sigh and shrugged her shoulders, "Fine. Whatever you want."

You felt guilt surge upon you. You've been living with Emma and Mary Margaret for over two weeks now and within every conversation, they mention about maniac Mad Hatter, apparently what Jefferson says is truly to be. You remembered the time you had that argument with Jefferson- when you were alone with him. You could still vividly recall the way he clutched your arm and shoved you against the door. You always knew Jefferson could be vicious, like most men, but you never expect him to act the way with you. He was just so- nice. Or so you believed. You couldn't even believe you still hung around that man knowing he almost- he almost- hurt you. But personal issues aside, Paige is the main focus. She'd been gone for too long now. You prayed she was safe, clothed and fed. You couldn't bare to see a scratch on your child.

The car tires shrieked as it came to an abrupt stop. Emma's grey orbs widened at the site before her, completely entranced. "What's wrong?"

"Get out of the car." She replied sternly, unfastening her belt.


"Get out." Emma repeated herself sliding out her car. You did as she ordered, matching your footsteps with her hastily.

"What's going on? What's the rush?"

"It's that boat." She stopped and stared at it from a close distance.

"What about it?"

"I have never seen it before." She smiled a bit, as though she'd finally gotten her answer.

Your features grew more rigid at the sound of another car parking hurriedly at the opposite end of the docks. Two figures grew distinct in the mellow lights of the hidden sun. Jefferson seemed- off. Shadows marked their place beneath his blue orbs. A vivid line was formed in the middle of his furrowed brows. Overall, he looked like he was on a male version of a period. Poor guy.

"Which one is it?" The man asked with a very pissed of Gold beside him.

"Uh," Emma rummaged in her pocket for a form, reading for a moment before pointing at the unfamiliar boat. "That one."

"I see no reason to wait." The old man sneered, pacing towards it. Everyone followed behind him, even you, although you were slightly dismayed at the thought of discovery. Ok. What if you saw you daughter alive? Will things be the same afterwards? Will it be the same with everyone involved in the case? What if Paige was- was dead? What would you do then?

Oh. You prayed that wasn't the answer.

The four of you stumbled up the stairs and searched about the decks. There wasn't a single sign of a single soul. "So tell me again, why are we here?" You whispered to Jefferson, daring not to look at him in the eyes.

"We think we know who did it. This is supposed to be their ship."

"Who is it?" You squinted into the light, finally confronting him. "Is he someone you and Gold know?"

He went silent for a moment, staring out into oblivion before glancing lazily over his shoulder, "We had- common enemies."

You nodded, lacking a desire of knowing more. "You think we'll- find her alive?"

"She's going to be just fine." He glanced at you, forcing a smile, "Always have hope."

You grinned back softly and shoved your fingers into your pocket. "Uh, I plan on telling her about- you."

His shoulders suddenly became stern, as he stared at you. He seemed like he was facing denial. "What about me?"

"That you're her father-"



"No, just no. Don't do that."

"But- why? I thought you wanted her to know! Don't you think she deserves to?"

"No, listen, (Y/N). She doesn't deserve to know it like this. Never like this. I don't want her to wake out of bed and realize that I was there the entire time but never said a word. She- she needs time." He muttered, turning his back against you. "We don't even know if she's okay..."

You felt a lump grow in your throat at the weakness growing evident in the man. "But- do you want her to know eventually?"

He nodded softly, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm s-"

"Hey! Who the hell are ya people?" Someone hollered, turning everyone's head in sync. He was a rather old man, his shaggy white beard ran to as long and wide as his collarbones. His attire was filthy and carried the stench of raw fish, but nevertheless, the man had pale skin, making him seem more approachable.

"I'm Sheriff Swan, we're on the investigation of Paige (L/N). Mind if we look inside?"

"I do mind, ma'am." He retorted. "You're trespassed in my property and ask to look further. No, ma'am. No, that's not how it works."

"Sir, we ask politely to see below decks. If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing for you be defensive about."

"Still. My answers no." He muttered, rolling the thick ropes in his arms.

"Let me deal with this." Jefferson grumbled, shoving past the three of you. "Look here."

The old man puffed his chest out and stared daringly into Jefferson's eyes, although he were taller. "Do you have a problem?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Where's my daughter?" He growled, stepping right into his personal space.

"I don't know, mister." The man replied almost mockingly.

"Okay then," Jefferson chuckled bitterly beneath his breath. Then abruptly, he grabbed the old man's collar and shoved his fiercely to the mast. "Where's my daughter?!" He hollered.

"I-I don't know! I swear! This ain't even my ship!"

"What?" Mr. Gold snapped.

"A friend asked me to take care of it at daylight and he'd come at night to take it back. I swear! I ain't even know how to sail a ship!"

Jefferson's rigid, fearsome expression faded into something terrible. His leisurely freed the man's collar, with his eyes slowly rising to the statue upon the mast. The way he looked, dazed and dismayed, sent shivers upon everyone's spine. It's as though he saw something horrifying. Like at the site of it, his blood ran cold. "Jefferson?" You called softly.

"You..." The man muttered, suddenly whipping his head around as though he were searching for something. He snatched Gold's walking stick, raising his arm for a powerful blow before Emma grabbed his arms and shoved him back.

"Jefferson, quit it!"

"It's him! That's the bastard that took Paige!" He said pointing at the statue. Everyone exchanged concern glances before examining it. There was nothing special to the carved art. It was of a boy, perhaps late teens. He looked proud, staring beyond the stern into the fading horizon. It was a symbol and a marking that the owner held dear. The only issue is, the owner is still yet to be found. Emma glanced at you and gave you that I-told-you-he-is-crazy look. You heaved a sigh and edged towards the stairs, "I'm going to sit in the car."

"Wait- you- you don't believe me?" Jefferson asked, his voice drenched with disappointment.

You simply shrugged with your eyes downcasted. "Dearie, a moment please?" Mr. Gold called to you. You furrowed your brows, still slightly on edge with the man.

"We came this far, why not look around?" Emma requested. Although you wanted to deny, you followed behind them, ignoring Jefferson's dagger like glares.

Emma helped lift the door for you as you went down the stairs, underneath the decks. An unearthly and irony aroma drifted in the room. Cold seeped through the soles of your shoes and all you could smell was that unsettling scent of metal. It made food convulse within you, probably planning on coming the wrong end. "How's it down there?" Emma called, leisurely staggering down the steps.

"It smells like blood." You gulped, searching about.

"You mean like fish blood?"

"I don't-"

You were suddenly interrupted by the sound of silent whimpers in the corner of the room. You cautiously stepped towards the noise, feeling a smile creep upon your lips at the belief it was her.

you tenderly said, turning on the curb. There was a cat. A black, unyielding cat staring at you.

"Did you find something, (Y/N)?" Emma called, joining behind you.

"No," you mumbled, heading back towards the stairs. The blond woman decided to stay quiet, sensing the air of disappointment floating around you.

You stopped dead in your tracks for a moment. You glanced over your shoulder to something creaking in the dashboard beneath the seat of the living room like section. You edged towards it, this time feeling more defensive with your hands up in a fist in front of your face. Emma followed behind you, this time as silent as possible, hearing the undying sound as well.

You stopped at the end of the seat and lifted the hatch. Light spread into the objects within the dashboard, and there, buried in nothing but a cover with rotten fruit at the corner of her feet was Paige. "Mom?" Her cracked as though she hadn't spoken for days.

"Paige?" You whispered, almost not denying reality for a moment. "Paige!"

The girl weakly got up but her feet her bounded as the same as her arms. You snatched the knife from the countertop of a table and slit the rope smoothly, pulling your daughter out of the damp and holding her head to your chest. "Oh my Lord, oh my lord, you're safe." You wept.

The girl was bizarrely silent, not a tear streamed down her face. Despite her emotionless state, her breath was heavy and her eyes rimmed red.

"What's going on in here?"

"Is everything okay-"

Both Jefferson and Gold stared in awe at the grimy, vulnerable child in your arms. She only had a cover draping her shoulders. Just that. What sort of monster does that? They couldn't decide whether they should be torn at the site of her state or be joyful that she was alive. But either way, everyone reacted the same. They rushed towards her aid and brought her above deck. Emma immediately called the hospital to prepare for a new patient, Jefferson opened the car door while you sat the feeble girl in the back of Emma's car. Gold, however, made sure he stayed back and promised to keep an eye for the kidnapper who would come later that night.

"Is she gonna be alright?" The old man asked, shuddering a bit with sweat beading his forehead.

"Oh she'll be alright." Gold nodded and gawking at the man leaning on his walking stick with a wicked smirk, "But I can't promise the same for you and your friend."

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