Chapter 15 ✂ The Whip

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The last time you'd work this hard, was when Rumplestitskin took advantage of you when he first took you in as his own child. Your back ached and had silent screams of their own as you threw the rice bag onto the stash. It'd been five days exactly and you had been working yourself to death to prove Jefferson that you could make money on your own- and that you were more than just a thief. You hadn't even mentioned to the man, you'd been working endless hours, and that's why you hadn't shown your face as often.

So there you were, holding your hips in tedious pain as you pulled another sack onto your back. "H-How many more are there to go?" You panted heavily, glancing back at, Quince, the man who hired you.

"Just a few dozens left, hun." The ginger haired man smirked in a taunting way.

You groaned, hunching your spine as you staggered away. This side of the village smelt like the rear end of a horse but the people were ever so kind- all but Quince. The broad shouldered, long ginger haired, and pig like man was the only one who'd allow you to get a job without getting scared of the Dark One's penalties. You were more than sure that he had no clue who that was, considering he was the new one in town. Baelfire promised to call you home whenever he knew father was coming early, today however, was your lucky day.

The sun was setting and it was nearly about time Quince paid you, before you headed back home. One throw and you were absolutely done working for the day. You were so excited to finally see Jefferson and Grace, handing them the money you worked your bones off for. You felt like your knees were going to collapse beneath from the way your body trembled with the last bag. And when you finally threw it off, you had to hold yourself up, feeling giddy and feeble.

"That's the last one of them. I suppose I'm done for the day." You said with a lopsided grin and a shallow limp to your walk.

"Did you patch the hole in the bag I put to the side-"

"Done that."

"Did you help Marlin to-"

"Done that too." You stated plainly, a smirk growing at the corner of your lip.

Quince flashed a confused but satisfied grin before he heaved a sigh. "Alright alright. You're done for the day."

"I'd like to have what I've been sweating for," You muttered, raising a brow, and holding your palm out to him. There was stubborn
calculations sparking in his eyes before he finally gave in, rummaging through his pocket and slapping your hand with coins.

"Twenty golds till you decide to act properly around me." He cocked a smirk. Anger brewed within you as your face grew red from frustration. You were interrupted- however- by the whimpering from someone familiar. Baelfire bound you speechless. Both you and Quince were caught staring at the boy who owned eyes that were so distant and afraid. His eyebrows were drawn together and his lips were pursed into a distasteful line of shame.

"Well well, tell me more of what's going on here." A black figure said from the corner of your eyes. Your heart raced to the speed of light, but you relaxed, keeping the most sinister calmness upon your features.

"Who are you?" Quince asked, raising a brow in bewilderment.

"Who am I? Ha ha! Who am I?" Rumple cocked a smirk. "You don't know who I am?"

"He's the Dark One..." You muttered, looking the opposite direction of your father.

"So I see you've employed my daughter." He growled, a little tempered.


"Well I don't have a lot of time to spend so (Y/N), mind going back home with Baelfire, dearie? I have some work- to do." He smirked.
You gulped audibly and nodded obediently, matching your steps with your step-brother's towards the frame of the woods. There was an earsplitting scream of a man from behind you but you dared not look back, shuddering in fear. The birds fled from the woods into the air from his bloodcurdling shriek. "I'm sorry..." Baelfire muttered, his eyes glazing with tears. You smiled reassuringly and took his hand in yours, squeezing it gently and motherly before leading him back home.

The thought of Quince's death, boggled your mind awfully, that you hadn't noticed your father sitting by the fire pit when you made it home. Your eyes were hallow with guilt and fear. Baelfire caught a glimpse of his father ahead of time but leisurely sat down at the dinner table, fiddling with a beaded chain.

"You killed him, didn't you, father?" You asked in a soft tone once you saw him.

"What else am I supposed to do with someone who treats my family poorly?"

"He didn't treat me wrong in any way!" You retorted.

"No one in my family is low enough to work for someone else. They should be bowing down to you, dearie, not the other way around." He hollered, jerking up to his feet. "Now tell me why you dishonored me?"

"Dishonored you? I did nothing of that sort."

"You made yourself look powerless in front of that hog."

"You made yourself look like a monster in front of those people." You growled.

The man's wrinkled scaly face winced in dismay but he shook it off, glaring deadly at you. "Get to the ground."

"Papa what are you-"

"Get to the ground." Rumple demanded, interrupting poor alarmed Baelfire. You kept a stern look on your face, hiding the bitter distress that surged upon you, as you knelt down to your knees.

"You have to know, dearie, I hate hurting my children- but sometimes it's best if you learn through actions so it sticks with you instead of lecturing." He muttered, grabbing the whip that hung from the wall.

"Papa- please don't." Your half-brother pledged, blocking his father's path.

"Step out of the Baelfire." He warned. "You knew this was a punishment from the start." He growled.

You fluttered your eyes shut, your patience running as you waited for the blow. You knew confrontation was futile and yet when the whip finally contacted your skin, you felt like your heart leap out of your chest. The tender sting, raised to your head, making you feel giddy. "PAPA!" Baelfire cried out, clinging onto the arm of his father's arm. You felt the air touch your delicate skin passed the torn shirt. The strikes came more rapid and you bit your lip, trying your best not to yelp in pain, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. You didn't last five whips before you collapsed to the cold hard ground, grunting and whimpering in soreness. "Hopefully you've learnt your lesson by now." Rumple muttered beneath his weary breath as he stashed away the leather weapon.

Baelfire approached your shuddering body, holding your shoulder reassuringly. "(Y/N)...." He whispered softly. You inhaled feebly, as you towed yourself up with your hands. By the sound of the vacant house, you knew the Dark One was gone. It was rare that you ever got in trouble from him, or even get such punishment, and this being your first, hurt more than anything ever had.

"Where are you going?" Baelfire asked as you headed towards the door, wincing to your every move.

"I have t-to give Jefferson the money."

"After all of this you're still going to him?"

"That's what I've been fighting for this entire time." You grunted with a reassuring smile before you fled to the family you worked your life out for.

The dim lights of the house seemed distant in your fading eyes, as you trembled with every step as you neared it. Just when you arrived at the porch, you hand to hold yourself up by propping yourself against the door. You knocked so blithely that you thought they wouldn't hear, but there he was, swinging the door open letting the illumination disperse across your face. The light was a soft rosy color that made your features soft and elegant like a beautiful woman. And for a moment Jefferson looked at you in the eyes with such bewilderment and admiration, that you could notice no matter how hard he tried to hide it."

"(Y/N), what- what on Earth are you doing here at this time?"

"I-I wanted to g-give you this." You grunted, taking his hand, placing the money in his palms and curling his fingers over it. The man glanced at his hand and back at your precious face, slightly shocked.

"Where did you get that from?" Grace asked, holding her father around the waist.

"I-I got a new j-job." You smiled wearily.

"What are you working as-"

"(Y/N)? You look ill..." Jefferson interrupted holding your shoulder lightly. You don't know what happened the strength the held you up, you just collapsed into his arms, vision going dark, breath slowly diminishing.

"Mama!" Grace hollered, bridging over your limp body as darkness engulfed your mind.


You fluttered your eyes open, feeling something warm and serene upon the flesh on your back. You heaved a broken sigh as you saw Grace. "What happened?" You asked softly.

"We were about to ask you the same thing..." Jefferson muttered from behind you, treating your scars with silky olive oil.

You tensed and distressed, eventually dropping your head. "I-I don't want to talk about it."

Grace glanced up at her father with pitiful chocolate brown eyes, her lips pursed. With Jefferson's mere gesture of a nod, Grace fled the room leaving the two of you alone. The girl did, however, leave a gentle kiss upon your forehead before she left.

The silence screamed and it pained you to feel Jefferson's tension in the air. "You didn't have to go through all that trouble..."

"Well life needs a little variety, doesn't it?" You scoffed.

"I'm serious." He growled, pushing you lightly forward, causing you to grimace in pain. "Why did you go work? And why did you give me the money?"

"Because- I wanted to prove I'm not a thief but a responsible woman. I wanted to show- that I'm not like my father. I don't want people to be- to be- afraid..." You slouched, your face softening in wretchedness.

"I'm not afraid of you." Jefferson said plainly, sitting to your side. "And I never thought you less of a beautiful responsible woman."

The word was like a hook that grabbed you. No one. No one in your entire life- had called you that. "B-Beautiful?"

"More than anyone I've ever known." He charmingly beamed.

"Oh- you're just saying that."

"Really now? You remember when I smiled?"

It was an strange question to you. "You always smile..." You replied uncertainly.

"Only when I'm around the people I love-"

And they was he casted his softest gaze on you, made the realization come across so much more pleasant. "Jefferson?"

"My happiest times were always with you, and I am an honest idiot for not noticing sooner." He muttered, his breath ghosting upon your lip. And as the thirst rose again, the space between your lips diminished in the softest kiss- just as soft as the petal of a rose. Even through the grunts and pain, you snaked your haired through his hair and he held you from the waist, staying cautious he never touched your bruises. Your hand caressed the softness to his cheeks as he held you close.

There was a girlish giggle from the doorway, forcing both you and Jefferson to turn heads in sync. "I'll be going now." Grace cooed, in a taunting voice.

"Oh no you don't!" Jefferson hollered, lunging at the girl, swinging her in his arms and collapsing beside you. Your face lit up with the most joyous expression and you joined their little huddle of love and embrace.

Truly, everyone thought it was the happy ending for the Mad Hatter, but in all honesty, the story has just begun.

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