Chapter 29 ✂ Summon Him

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When he looks at you, he sees pure beauty.

Your hair is soft and silky; generous to his fingers as he tenderly combed them behind the crook of your ear. The daylight illuminated your features. He smiled to himself when you adorably cringed at the disturbance. You looked so wonderful in the white cloth that draped your shoulders like a dress. He loved the hair that bordered your graceful face. He thought you were one of the most beautiful gift made by human.

You were just so- beautiful.

He felt himself hold his breath as you gently opened your eyes, a smile curving upon your precious lips, "Hi," you laughed gently.

"Hey..." He beamed, resting his head in his arms. "You're finally awake."

You groaned playfully, "It's too early."

The Mad Hatter chuckled beneath his breath kissing your forehead. His hot ghosting breath sent a shudder down your spine. His lips parted and he took a moment to play with the recognizable ring on your finger, smiling to himself. His vivid blue orbs abruptly met with yours, sincerity hoping in them as he asked, "Do you remember me?"

"What do you mean?" You furrowed your brows.

The lovely smile painted across his face leisurely faded, "Do you remember who I am?"

"Of course I do," You laughed. "What are you coming at?"

He sat up instantly, the covers drifting to his lap. "Who's your father?"

You felt a surge of discomfort and gloom overwhelm you, "I-I don't have a father..."

"Wrong." He snapped. "What's your daughter's name?"

"Paige... just Paige," you answered anxiously, worried he was growing mad.

Jefferson's eyes widened, a sickening feeling washing him to the filthy shores of reality. He muttered something beneath his breath, shaking his head to himself. "Jefferson..." You called wearily, reaching to his shoulder in fright.

"No!" He hollered, smacking your hands away. He sat on the edge of the bed, his hands on his head. "You- this all went wrong..."

"What do you mean? Jefferson, what's the matter?" You asked, joining his side.

"Don't say my name." He growled, snatching his clothes from the ground.

"Can you at least tell me what the hell is wrong?" You firmly whispered, knowing Paige may wake up from the shouting.

"I..." He muttered, glancing down at the ground deep in thought. The words would simply not roll of his tongue. "I've waited twenty eight years, (Y/n). Twenty eight years to wake up in a bed and finally see you beside, smiling at me. Twenty eight years to touch your soft skin and kiss you without a care. Twenty eight years to hold you in my arms and say sweet nothings in your ear. It took twenty eight damn years for us to get this close- yet nothing happened. You have a wedding ring on your finger and don't know the story behind it."

You held your hand to your chest and furrowed your brows. "You make no sense to me, Jefferson..."

You could see the tears springing in his eyes, "True love's kiss always works, (Y/n). Always. We- we even went further than that... this doesn't make sense to me." He muttered underneath his breath.

"This is not a bloody fairytale!" You retorted, growing furious.

He didn't seem to take in a word you said. He was entranced by the running thoughts in his mind. "What if we can never break this curse?"

You looked bewildered at him, feeling your heart ache from the way he looked at you. This meant so much to him. You could see it in his eyes. "Maybe you don't have to..." You answered, even though you didn't understand anything he was saying.

Jefferson gleamed at you for a moment, a mere second before he abruptly flung the bedroom door open and stumbled out. With wide eyes and trembling limbs you rushed out the door to catch up to him. "Jefferson! Jefferson, wait!" You called.

"I just need some time for myself." He muttered, sliding his shoes on and snatching his coat from the closet.

"I'm sorry if it was something I said." You sounded as though you were pleading.

"No, no. It's not your fault..." he replied, glancing at your with a stern look. "I just have some unfinished work to do."

"What unfin-" before you could speak you were interrupted by a pair of gentle lips meeting your own.

You melted at his touch, ever so often, reminding yourself to breath. You could have sworn you convinced yourself for a moment, he was yours- the perfect puzzle piece that made your incomplete life- complete. He parted for a moment, looking sincerely in your eyes with as much love he could possibly muster, "I love you..."

And with those three precious words, the ones you've wanted to hear him say since the day you bumped into him, he fled. He didn't even look back at you again, not a single goodbye. Not a gesture or a smile. He just- simply- left. Abandoned you all over again.

"I love you too..." You whispered, knowing he wouldn't have heard. As though in a daze, you staggered into the house, your eyes grazing the ground. You felt like you lost- everything.

You wished you would have known sooner, that your feelings for him was as true and faithful just as his for you. You wished he would have stayed. Probably be the father he wanted to be for Paige and a true lover to you. You could only wish... now that he's gone.

Just as you were about to go into your room again, you heard quiet whispers within Paige's doorway. You were afraid she might have heard the argument. "Honey?" You softly called, pushing the open door wider.

The little girl shuddered, completely awake. She held her covers to her face as though she were attempting to hide. "What's the matter, sweetie?" You asked softly, avoiding the thick throat of tears you had.

Her eyes were brimmed with red, looking disheveled and looking stunned in ghastly horror. "Daring?" You whispered, edging towards her bed. Suddenly, your heart throbbed against your chest, your breath becoming shallow within a moment's notice. Your thoughts and actions were clouded by the sudden fear that surged upon you.

On the lamp table, there was fresh peach colored rose- the ones that you repeatedly got with note while Paige was kidnapped. You looked back at your daughter again, her state of terror reflecting upon you. You didn't move a single muscle, feeling the warm breath on your shoulder.

He's right behind you.

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