Chapter 19 ✂ Gentle Touch

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Past in the Enchanted Forest...

A snip here- a stitch there and voila! You were finally finished with the elegant little dress you made for Grace. It was the loveliest shade of peach and you were certain the color suited her nicely. You also made a lovely red top hat for Jefferson knowing his obsessions with them would come to your advantage. It'd been months since you saw the family of two but you mostly tried to stay away from them till you were done with their presents. You wondered if they would hate you for not visiting frequently but you knew the presents would make up for the missing days. You had learnt to stitch from the old crone in the town's center. She was quite the hassle but eventually you bonded with her as the time went by.

She was a strange woman actually- she never asked money from you for the lessons and you sometimes found her laughing to herself as she stared into a blank mirror. You convinced yourself her madness from the old age and never bothered to inquire any further.

Any who, there you were, packing away your things for it was the day you were going to visit the family after so long. You wrapped the gifts, took your coat and shoes and headed out the doorway of your house. Right as you stepped out, you found a beautiful peach tinted rose at your feet. You instantly knew that the rare flower was given to you by none other than Jefferson. You smiled softly at yourself and smelt the gentle aroma of the rose before skipping ahead into the forest.

It'd been so long since you've seen the family- perhaps a month or two? Whatever the case was, the days seemed long and drawn. You wondered if Grace is grown up by now or if Jefferson decided to grow a beard. The thought of it made your heart race. What if you missed out on a terrible amount of news from the family? What if they moved and you never got the news?

You instantly sped up your pace and reached the warm little house finding smoke coming from the chimney. Thank God. You thought you were going to visit when no one was home to welcome you. You heaved a relieved sigh and stepped up to the door, gently knocking upon the wood. It was merely a few shouts and thuds before the door creaked open. An enormous smile grew upon your lips as you found Grace's eyes widened in surprise. "(Y/N)!" She hollered, quickly lunging at you with her arms wide and open. You knelt down and kissed her head, laughing at yourself.

"I'm glad to see you too, muffin." You chuckled, entering the warmth of the house.

"Where were you all these days?" She asked, her eyes softening with worries.

"I've been caught up with work. I'm sorry-"

"As long as you're here now!" She cooed, hugging you tightly once again.

You felt your heart warming up instantly at her gentle touch and you pulled away, glancing at her with a cheeky grin. "I made you something,"

"What is it?" She asked.

You pulled out the beautiful gown you made and handled it cautiously as you gave it to the girl. Immediately her face lit up with joy as she held the dress to her shoulders. "Oh, it's beautiful- thank you so much."

"(Y/N)?" A voice called from the other side of the room.

You raised your gaze and you felt your eyes water with sheer delight. The man was just as surprised as you were. His sizzled features were burdened at the sight of you. In a mere second, you were in Jefferson's arms, laughing and muttering things you could not remember.

"Where on Earth have you've been?" He asked, pulling away from you.

"Does this answer your questions?" You chuckled as your put the top hat on him. He was confused at first but his eyes slowly fell upon the rim of it and a bright grin pulled his cheeks.

"This is for me?"

"For you and only you-" You grinned smugly, pulling the hat down his eyes.

Grace showed her father the lovely gown you made and twirled in it for hours and hours before Jefferson finally told her to go play with her new friends. You really didn't consider the fact you would be alone with him, instead you rummaged through the house, cleaning things you found were out of place. The house was settled in a calm tone as you unconsciously kept a distance from Jefferson.

You shifted through their belongings finding little stuffed toys Grace owned when she was younger. It reminded you of the atrocious childhood you had. You never saw your real parents but you knew you could have lived as a princess. Now you live under the Dark One's rules and commands as his slave for eternity. The way fate plays...

Eventually as you rummaged through the dolls, you felt Jefferson's soft stare through the beaded curtains. You glanced hurriedly over your shoulder and caught his gaze. "What are you looking at?" You chuckled, putting the doll back in its place.


You accidentally bit your lower lip and painfully peeled your gaze off of him. "You know, (Y/N)? I don't think we've ever been alone."

"And do you think that's a good thing?" You asked.

"I suppose- we've never really had the time to talk about... us-"

"Us?" You retorted. "What is there to talk about?"

He circled you and brushed his shoulder against the beaded curtains that seemed to act as a wall between the two of you. He stopped once he was directly beside you and softened his gaze. "Grace asked me the other day- whether I loved you-"

"And you answered?" You asked, unamused.

"I do."

That suddenly caused your heart to skip a beat. You stared at him for a moment or two- feeling your entire world flooding with colors, but then again- you tore it away. "You can't do that."

"Why not?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"Because- I'm the Dark One's daughter. You should be afraid of me..." You muttered.

"I can never be afraid of you... not when I see you as a mother for Grace, or a lovely woman- or even... a lover for me." He said shyly.

"Jefferson- I-I..." Suddenly a finger was pressed against your lips. His generous blue orbs caught your undivided attention. "Don't say a word more..." He whispered.

You barley nodded before it happened. His soft lips were woven into yours into a perfect puzzle of a kiss. The rest of it was as smooth as a dance. You remember the fragment of that day when your fingers laced during the kiss. It was the sweetest thing you'd ever come across. The warmth of his lips sent goose bumps along your arms and the tender touch that he owned was unbearable. Eventually lust and eagerness clouded both your thoughts as you tangled your fingers in his soft brown hair. You could feel your legs nearly collapsing underneath you before he grabbed you by the waist the toted you against the wall and then carried you to the bed.

As you reached the mattress, Jefferson's lean body bridged over yours. His deep breath ghosting against your cheek. He trailed down your neck spreading fond kisses down throughout his jaunt which prized him with a soft moan from your lips. Your breath was out of order. It became a struggle to breath. But all the troubles was worth every moment of it. He smoothly yanked your corset and top over your head and worked his way through each and every material. You never obliged. Every touch caused you to feel the heat in your cheeks, burn hotter by the minute. His meaty hands thoroughly met every part of flesh on you. He leaned over you again and paused, glancing profoundly into your eyes. "I love you, Jefferson..." You managed to breathe out through all your stubbornness.

"I love you too..." He whispered as he brushed strands of hair from your face. He finally bowed his head down and kissed you passionately.

That night is one to remember. It felt like he would never leave your side. Ever.

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