Chapter 6 ✂ The Adoption

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Like every morning, you rushed through the same doors, hoping to not find Mr.Gold in the front desk. But for once in your life, he was right where you didn't want him to be, serenely packing away antique items in their boxes. When he made the decision to quickly peer at the grand clock, you came crashing through the door with a sudden expression of shock spilling over your features.

"Am I late?" You hurriedly murmured, closing the door behind yourself.

"You're on time Mrs. (L/N)... I'm quite surprised." Mr.Gold's face brightened with a teasing grin.

"That's great!" You cheerfully said joining him at the table. "Which leads me to my next question. I need a day off..."

"Excuse me?" He knitted his brows to a frown.

"I know I know! I should have told you sooner it's just, there's so much going on and I just need this day off--"

"May I know what you'll be doing today? I'm sure it wouldn't be a bother if it's personal." He said slyly leaning onto his cane.

"Um... I kind of-"

"You're hesitating dearie. Is there something I should know?" He inquired.

You fiddled with your fingers as you built the courage to say it. "I-I have an interview today."

"You're getting another job?" He asked slightly offended.

"No! Don't get me wrong. It's not a job interview. It's...different."

"I still don't understand."

"I'm going to- adopt a child." Your gaze fell to your sketching feet as you muttered it.

He was taken back by what you said. "I thought we discussed about this. You're rushing on the idea (Y/N)."

"No Mr. Gold. You don't understand. I feel like there's no point of being happy if there's no one to share with."

"Aren't I here?" Mr.Gold asked softly.

"But you're my employer. It's not the same..."

"Then why adopt a child when you could have one of your own? You could fall in love, get married and before you know it, you'll have a family of your own."

"If I could have a child..." You mumbled remembering what the doctors told you years back.

Mr. Gold's face softened with a sense of regret. "Alright. If you think this is the right method, then go on. But remember everything comes with a price." A smug grin grew upon his wrinkled lips.

"I know I know." You rolled your eyes playfully and chuckled.

"If you come across a problem just shout my name and things will be settled." He added on.

"Thank you Mr. Gold. I'll be on time to work tomorrow I promise!" You called as you went out the door. And like every beautiful day in Storybrooke, the scent of fresh baked bread and flowers bathed the soft breeze. You heaved a deep breath and smiled at yourself before you skipped your way to Mother Superior.

When you finally reached the front doors of the covent, you begun to feel weak in your knees and your hands went cold from anxiousness. You begun to doubt yourself whether you were worthy or not. Would you be able to afford a child? Would the child even love you back? But then you gathered your courage and stepped into head nun's office with your shoulder back and your head held high.

"Hello (Y/N)... It hasn't been a while since I've see you." A friendly voice greeted you as you entered.

"Mother Superior... It's very nice to see you again." You grinned brightly.

"Please take a seat." She gestured you. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing well and you?"

"I'm very good, thank you." She smiled. "So you're here for an adoption interview correct?"

"Yes," you nodded eagerly.

"Alright. Let's get started..." She mumbled, rummaging through files of documents. "Are you by any chance married?"

"No..." You glanced down at your fiddling fingers.

"It's okay. Where were you born (Y/N)?"


"How is your relationship with your siblings and parents?" She inquired. As disappointment spilled upon your features, Mother Superior knew not to question further more.

"I'm sorry." She muttered lightly. "What job do you currently have?"

"I'm an antique dealer."

Her face cringed with a sense of discomfort. "Do you think you can afford another person in your life?"

"I paid you the advance and I paid your rent for you. Need anymore clarifying?" You sternly said.

"No, please. Don't get me wrong Ms. (L/N). I'm just saying, you're very young and you have a lot to experience before having a child. Not to mention the costs that come along with adoption--"

"Excuse me? Is this the wrong time to come in?" A familiar voice called from the door.

"Um... I'm having an interview with Ms. (Y/N)." Mother Superior answered.

"There you are!" The person cheered before sitting in the seat beside you. You breath was caught in your throat in the mere surprise of finding those striking blue eyes again.

"I'm Jefferson." He introduced, shaking hands with the nun. "I'm (Y/N)'s fiancé."

You shot a death glare in his direction, nearly about to curse at him but he squeezed your hands in his palms and gestured lightly for you to calm down. "Oh? You're her fiancé? She didn't mention about you at all..." Mother Superior exchanged puzzled looks.

"We sort of got into a fight and now she's going around telling people she's single." He shared his crooked smirk.

"Oh? A fight?"

"It's not anything big. She just doesn't like people hogging her food. Our fights never last for more than ten minutes." He chuckled raising your hands to his lips. Although you were emotionless about all the lies that had been said, the moment he did that, your face heated up like an oven. Completely and utterly embarrassed, you slipped your a hand away from him and covered your face.

Mother Superior beamed a vibrant smile at you both before scrambling through her files. "I'll be back in moment please." She said, hurriedly walking out of the office.

"That went well..." Jefferson muttered under his breath.

"What the hell was that all about?" You retorted as you confronted him. "You just lied to her!"

"I know, and it's the only way you're getting a kid." He listlessly said.

"I-I would have been fine without your help..." You mumbled hesitantly. He hung his head and smiled at himself.

"W-Why are you helping me?" You whispered softly, sinking into realization.

"I noticed the way you looked at the kids. Sad, depressed and lonely. I know how you feel and I just wanted to your efforts of finding a family worth while. It's heartbreaking to go home empty handed."

"Thank you..." You breathed. For a moment, your eyes locked with him and it seemed like the distance between your lips were fading away.

"Alright! The children are ready for you!" Mother Superior cooed. Instantly you reacted, jerking out of your seat and clumsily following behind the nun. Jefferson shook his head and chuckled to himself before staggering behind you.

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