Chapter Eleven ✂ The White Rabbit

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The woods were hushed and murky as it always had, but this was your disguise- and your only way of not getting murdered. You knew it was a ridiculous idea to pursue the pirates, but it was partially you to blame for him stealing the Dark One's dagger. Of course, you learnt your father's ways after all wretched years. He's warned you before that he'd slaughter you if you turned against him. You hated Rumple but he was in fact the man who fed you all these years. You had to pay your debuts.

"I have never felt more alive Smee!" Captain Hook laughed hysterically whacking his companion's back.

"And I've never seen you more happy," The shorter pirate snorted.

"With this dagger, everything I fancy will fall right into my hands. Smee... I want celebrate."

"With rum captain?"

"With rum Smee!" Hook chortled, swirling the dagger between his fingers and putting it in his belt.

"Heh perfect..." You whispered beneath your breath as you swerved through the bushes.

The two pirates had staggered into the town with people opening a path for Captain Hook. No one was unfamiliar with him, oddly enough; it seemed everyone recognized this thief. Maybe they even recognized him as the Dark One's enemy. Either way, this flirty, half drunken man held the key to your father's life. In one case, you were happy Rumple was finally vulnerable to his enemy but in another, you knew somehow, in some odd way, your dad would haunt you till you went insane.

"You worthless dimwit, you can't even hold a sword properly, can you?" Hook scolded his mate.

"I-I'm sorry captain! It just slipped out of my hand!" Smee replied reaching for it.

"No no no. I don't trust your flimsy arms with it anymore..." Hook said hovering over the sword. In his back pocket, the Dark One's dagger came into full view. With nimble fingers, you reached into the pouch and slid it out before anyone noticed. The fact your heart raced and your skin frosting over in anxiousness, didn't help.

With a smirk breaking upon your lips, you gently strolled passed the men, without being suspicious. You finally were at peace! All you had to do was go home and put the dagger back exactly where they took it. Rumple wouldn't be pleased to see you having his dagger in your hands- and not to mention Baelfire and his rapid assumptions. Your plan was simple. Go home, put the dagger away and act natural till father returns home. Perfect.

The only thing was you saw two familiar faces in the crowd of people. Two months. Two whole entire months and the little girl seemed to have grown into someone you took a while to recognize. She was... a beautiful girl, no longer a child. Her cheeks and lips flushed with a tint of pink while her dark blond hair bordered her pale face.

It nearly brought tears to your eyes when you noticed the man holding her in tight embrace. He was none other than the man you broke your heart yet you still pursued. You've never actually seen the family of two since Jefferson requested you not to. However, every day the gifts you leave at their doorway are gone by morning and you knew Jefferson would have guessed it was you, but he probably never mentioned it to Grace. You loved leaving dresses, money and antiques for them. Of course, they were everything you stole during your free time.

"Wouldn't this make for the perfect guest for our tea parties papa?" Grace said innocently taking a fluffy white bunny in her small hands. "Can I have him, please?"

"Excuse me? How much for the rabbit?" Jefferson asked with his charming genuine smile.

"That is one silver," The old crone garbled.

Jefferson nervously looked at the palm of his hands. "Uh, would you take it for eight coppers? It's... all I have,"

The old woman nodded, "good father-- your last coppers for your little girl's happiness eh?"

Jefferson beamed a smile, lending the change to the woman. "Here and thank you."

"Oh but I did not say I accept." The crone glared. You were taken back by the sudden stubbornness she owned. "I cannot take less than one silver. The economy. You understand."

She said seizing the doll from the child's hand. Both Jefferson and Grace stirred in an uncomfortable state. "It's okay papa, come on. People are waiting." Grace mumbled half heartedly.

"I will not take no for an answer." Jefferson stated.

"Papa it's okay. I don't need it." The little girl smiled with a false good cheer. With Jefferson features flushing in misery, he took the child's hand and staggered out of the crowd.

It broke your heart to see them get hurt so much, but it led you to an idea. Once the old crone out the stuff toy in the back of her market place, you slipped in like a snake through the piles, grabbing the bunny and retreated.

They didn't call you the Black Crook for nothing.

You managed to arrive to Jefferson's house before the father and daughter did, which fell to your favour. You put the beautiful snow white bunny on the doorstep with a note beside.

"Money can't buy happiness." You smiled brightly before putting the note down.

With a smile spreading across your face, you skipped lightly, brushing your fingers in the leaves in the trees. You felt contentment rushing through just at the thought of it. You knew you were forbidden but communicating through the face of a secret admirer made you feel oddly satisfied. It didn't matter if you were allowed or not allowed, you just wanted to love somebody, and it was them who were painted in your heart.

You heard their familiar voices ringing through the forest wind as they headed directly in your direction. You beamed greatly before slipping behind a tree, watching them as they passed by.

"Papa? Papa- do you see that?" Grace cooed.

"What is it sweetie?" Jefferson asked, glancing down at his daughter.

"Papa! It's the bunny we saw at the market!" Grace hollered, bolting towards her house. You weren't too far or near the house but you could hear the slight joyous laughter the family exchanged amongst themselves.

It made you feel... Complete.

With that as your cue, you pulled your black shawl upon your shoulders and unhurriedly began strolling away. Suddenly, a pair of meaty hands covered your mouth and reeled you to the ground. You thrashed your body violently, trying to break your arms free from the vicious clutches.

"Aye, just the catch I needed." The man drunkenly mumbled as he turned you around to confront him.

Captain Hook.

"GET OFF ME YOU BASTARD!" You hollered.

He grabbed your arms and pinned it above your head, growling as Smee searched your cloak. "Where can I find the Dark One's dagger, love?"

"Down your throat," You spat.

"Don't toy with me." He snarled.

"Don't touch me then!" You hollered, trying to kick him in the groin. He reacted quickly, pressing your knee back in place. He cemented you to the ground beneath his weight, making you feel useless.

"Big mistake, love." The Dark One's daughter knew what fate beheld her. You were so devastated to know how simple this man could hurt you, how he could make you feel vulnerable no matter whose family you grew in. Without a single delay you heard material rip as Hook's knife cut clean through. "Don't fight it love, it'll be the skin that it cuts through next." He muttered.

You weren't exactly sure what you were afraid of most, Hook finding the dagger or him finding things which were only meant for you. Shutting your eyes tightly and trying your best to cover yourself, you felt worthless.

"Get your bloody hands off her!" A voice boomed from behind the pirate. Hook raised his gaze, glancing back at the uninvited guest before a fist blew straight in his face. Although you grimaced in pain, you couldn't help but feel a smile creep upon your lips when you recognized Jefferson. You sat up, finding Hook on the ground holding his swollen lip while Jefferson took off his coat.

"Here..." He muttered handing his coat to you as he shyly glanced the other way.

"Thank you..."

"Oh don't think I'm done with you, love. I will get that dagger. And I'll figure out why you're protecting that crocodile." Hook cursed beneath his breath.

"Lay a finger on her and you'll be food for the vultures." Jefferson sternly said, wrapping an arm around you as he led you back home. You weren't worried about Hook or his pirates anymore. Nothing crossed your mind but the Jefferson's scent covering your bare shoulders. Heat rose to your cheeks once more as you glanced up at the man. You knew he was really trying not to look at you, and you assumed the pink around his cheeks were from the cold.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What happened to you?" Grace asked worriedly as she took a hold of you.

"Nothing, sweetie, can you bring a bowl of wet cloth please?"

"Yes papa!"

And with that Grace came running back with a steamy bowl of water. Jefferson waited no longer to aid you but you grimaced in pain, turning your head away from him stubbornly.

"What were you doing with Hook?" He asked sternly.

"I have no reason to explain."

"Well you sure did when I had to save you out there."

You groaned rolling your eyes at the same time. "Now what? You're mad at me?"

"Why do you think that?"

"You're not talking as much as you usually do." Jefferson muttered.

"You said I should never see you again. So I don't see any reason to talk."

He sighed before chuckling lightly beneath his breath. "Not talking suits you,"

You dramatically gasped, "I am offended!"

Jefferson tried his best to keep a stern face but a unforced smirk kept lurking upon his lips.

He laughed lightly, pulling Grace into a tight embrace at the same time. "It's good to have you back."

"Back?" You asked slightly.

Jefferson locked his eyes with yours in amusement. "I told Grace about what I said that day and I-I'm sorry. Our secret admirer helped us with the house and our job and I always pay back my debuts. And well... we've decided-"

"You're a part of our family!" Grace squealed, hugging you. You glanced at Jefferson through Grace's forest of blond hair and your knees trembled the way he smiled at you. With his little crooked teeth flashing into view, you couldn't help but go a little red in the face.

You were glad. It truly is astonishing to feel loved again.

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