Chapter 26 ✂ Deal or No Deal

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A murky silhouette lingered in the corner of your sight. Whenever you glanced towards it hastily, the black figure would vanish. It caught your suspicion, especially because you were approaching that wretched Queen's liar. Jefferson was silent and anxiously, ever so often, he fiddled with his fingers while he stole glances at you. You made your mind and concentration as hard as stone so it didn't bother you quite too much.

You could sense time speeding past you as rays of moonlight faded into a golden tinted atmosphere. The sun would greet you soon, hopefully you could start a new day with Grace in your arms. Hopefully.

"There's the tunnel," you pointed, stumbled down the rocky downhill with your belongings.

"How did you manage to find this place in the first place?" Jefferson asked, matching his footsteps with you.

"A friend of mine informed me of it-" you grunted as you shoved the bolder like gateway. "Now stay close. There's guard down here."

"Wait- (Y/N)? I thought this was a mere confrontation. You're swerving around like we're on a mission of some sort."

"My plan is to simply get Grace out, Jefferson. I'm sure Regina has more under her sleeves no matter what method we use to meet her." With a sigh you resumed to hunch into the tunnel but suddenly, a firm meaty hand grasped you.

"I need to know what's going on, (Y/N)."

You gawked back at him, feeling your throat grow thick of lies. "What do you possibly not know?"

"What was written for your half the deal." He retorted, his face growing stern and rigid.

"Jefferson, I-I just can't-"

"Do you not trust me?" His voice softened. You could sense the concern in his tone, he definitely deserved to know but you worried if it would affect him badly.

"I... do. More than anyone."

"Then- tell me, love. What's been bothering you so much?"

Your eyes fell to the ground, your lips pursed as you held your breath. "It's Hook. He's- he has his part in Regina's game."

"...He wants the Dark One's dagger?"


Jefferson glanced up and stared at you hoping an answer would spill across your gentle features. You stood listless. There was absolutely no emotion surging over you as far as he could see. "Then what does he want?" He furrowed his brows, a crease forming between them.



"He wants me, Jefferson. Out of everything he could ask, he wants me."

Jefferson grew silent once again, the pain lunging at his head. It was dreadfully long and his blue eyes rose to meet your orbs. "I won't let him lay a finger on you."

Although it seemed to have harmed the both of you, you grinned, a soft and reassuring one. "I'm sure you will, Jefferson. Thank you." You buried your face into the man, inhaling the tender aroma of woods from his collar.

"Now," he pulled away from you, stroking strands of hair out of your face. "Let's go get our daughter back." He beamed a lopsided grin.

Exchanging a quick kiss, you both stumbled through the dark and unlit tunnels to what seemed like a dungeon door. There was a guard there, one which you simply blew fairy dust upon. Praise your father for his unlimited amount of dark magic. You saw gold light peering from the crack of the open door and leisurely you edged towards the ledge of it. "Stay close and stand guard." You whispered orderly to the man. He nodded his head softly, seeming unusually distressed. You simply dismissed the thought. Jefferson was a well-built man- if his instincts warned him that he were in danger, he would simply attack with no hesitation. Especially when it dealt with you or Grace.

You chewed the inside of your cheek as you saw a shadow cross the doorway. You hurriedly tapped a bit of fairy dust within the palm of your hand.

You waited.



And from out of the blues you swung the door open with fierce strength and put the heel of your hand to your mouth, when suddenly- you froze dead in your tracks. Jefferson, who was right at your side did the same. His disheveled hair shadowed his features yet his eyes were wide open, adjusting to the horrid reality of what was before him.


"Grace!" He called, dropping his box to the ground. He stumbled towards his daughter, tripping over quite a few times before he made it to the edge of the cellar. "Oh sweetie," he whimpered, holding her face through the bars. "What did those monsters do to you?"

"Its fine papa," the child winced at the touch of her father's hand on the splatter of red at the corner of her lips.

"We're going to get you out of this place, okay, sweetie?" You croaked, glancing around hesitantly.

"I knew you would come back for me." Grace forced a weary grin, glancing between the two of you.

"Of course, love. That's what family is right?" You smiled softly.

With Grace as a distraction, no one had noticed the bitter cold smoke pouring into the room. It encircled your heels and leisurely grew large enough for you to notice. "W-What the-"


"Papa! Wait! Mama, come back!"

Your daughter's voice echoed through the violet oblivion you and Jefferson were trapped in. The smoke deliberately dispersed as a menacing laugh wiped into the room like a crack.

Her figure was not distinct but the disorientation of the black magic caused you to think she was like an eagle gawking at its prey. She finally stood before you and Jefferson. Her sly and cunning expression only made anger fume within your veins. The same went for Jefferson. "Where is my daughter?" He hollered.

"Exactly where I want her." The Evil Queen smirked smugly.

"What on Earth do you want, Regina?" you snarled.

"Whatever was written on that note I sent to you. I can see my messenger directed it to you just in time."

Jefferson strode towards the woman with enraged steps and threw it at her feet. "There's the hat. Now give me my daughter."

"Oh, Jefferson. If only it were that easy." She smile half-heartedly, pretending to pitiful. "I asked for you to aid me on my journey. I don't simply want a worn out hat. What good does that give me?"

"I'm not going anywhere. We've had this discussion and my decision has not changed."

"Mm," she thought to herself. "Okay then, why don't a turn the tables and set another deal for you?"

"I'm not interested. Give me Grace!"

"Sorry, mate." A voice cooed from the darkness. A figure limped towards the light, their features leisurely becoming evident. "I think it's time I joined this friendly chat."

Your breath was caught in your throat.

Your heart drummed against your chest.

Your suspicion failed to stay strong to warn you ahead of time.

And now, there he was.



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